[Form Check] 1H Swing 32kg


New member
I don't know what to do with my other hand. The sets felt "strong" but I don't think I can bring the bell any further up without shrugging my shoulder. I'm left handed if that matters.

R side 1 2
L side 1 2
@biblequestions Options for the other arm: https://www.strongfirst.com/free-hand-one-arm-swing/

First thing I noticed is your wrist during the float. Why are you twisting it down?

To me the bell height seems okay. It's not a light bell for you. And shrugging is bad. Shoulders are ear poison.

/@chriscooke95 wanted you to lean back. I assume he did not mean it they way it sounds as leaning back usually means bending backwards which is bad. You should plank. The body should be in line. Now you don't fully extend the hips because you leave your hips a bit back to provide counterweight.
@biblequestions One thing that I've found helps with grip strength is to do goblet squats "bottom up". Keeping the bell stable is quite taxing for your grip, and really helps develop it. Also: Bulging forearms.
@biblequestions This is good overall. You don't need to bring the bell any higher, but if you feel that you're shrugging your shoulder, focus on drawing the bottom point of the shoulder blade in toward the spine and down. "Shoulders are ear poison" is good advice, but it is important to remeber to pull from the scapula, not the acromion (the pointy part of the shoulder)

@charliepoope-you 's link about what to do with the free hand is good, but none of the options exactly describes what they do in the Strongfirst standards video. I do the motion in the video in my link, but I bring the free hand across the sternum, and I hit my chest with the top of the fist. I find that to be a powerful cue for tension.

Biggest issue- you're flexing your wrist to compensate for the fingers lacking strength. This is really noticeable on the left. The first joint of the hands should form more or less a straight line with the arm. On the right side, the flexed wrist actually stops the bell from achieving the very top of its arc. I do this a little on heavy one hand swings, I think that you will build more hand strength if you keep doing this, rather than if you only did two hand swings. But work toward reducing it.