[FORM CHECK] deadlift PR


New member
Hey yall. Just PR my deadlift 275 x 2. They’re struggle reps so I think it doesn’t look too pretty. With all this technique cyborg controversy going on, I think I’m being a bit anal but I want some different opinions. So what yall think?

Edit: height: 63in, weight: 170lbs (sorry metric people)
@anna_jackson Looks good to me! I see people who have their legs/back way too high (leading me to low-key pray that they don't get a back injury). So good for you for getting low to the bar and adjusting to it instead of having the piece(s) of metal adjust to you.
@anna_jackson "Weighted twerks" do not seem fun. When I taught myself how to deadlift and used the Internet for everything, all the women's exclusive stuff (i.e. Women's Health) had the "weighted twerk," and everything else said to get close to the bar, so I do that. Because it actually looks safe (and the form itself promotes a straight back, if done correctly).

Obviously, don't go too low either, but hopefully you know what I mean
@anna_jackson 2 very minor things because this is overall a beautiful deadlift:
  • Ditch the shoes and go for something flat with no cushioning, you will appreciate the stability this adds.
  • Before you pull, sit/lean/rock back, just a bit. This will pull the slack out of the bar, and its going to feel like you'd almost fall backwards if it weren't for the bar acting as a counterweight. This will help get your back and hips at the optimal angle for pulling, and load them up correctly too, which should help with the hips shooting up early.
@anna_jackson Ah well given its a form check, I thought you'd want a note or two lol but aight. The shoe thing is beneficial to all lifts, btw. But yes, the form is alright, if not more than alright - definitely better than most!
@hidden_one Oh nah, my bad. I just wanted to make sure it had credible form. I haven’t conventional deadlifted in almost two years (torn hip flexor), so wanted to make sure it’s still good.
@hidden_one Don't worry. If someone comes to Reddit asking for a "form check," then constructive feedback on how to perform the movement optimally is exactly what I'd expect.