Form check time!


New member
So instead of eating a pie, today I decided to burn one!

Stepped up to 32 kg this week so I'm 2H that pig until i get the feels right. I can already tell a huge difference in stability needed for this one. Gonna be with this bell awhile, I'm sure!

Still focusing on driving through the elbow in my TGU's. Still feeling a collapse when coming from low sweep to bridge to elbow...


@dougbillie I wonder what the swings would look like if you did them barefoot. I think you would naturally connect to the ground better and experience less rocking. Also, my personal preference is to keep the head in alignment with the spine as you hip hinge, but I know Pavel teaches to keep eyes fixed forward- a matter of preference. Good swings though, nice keep it up!
@dougbillie Nothing wrong with dirt or asphalt if they're free of glass, liquids and such. Asphalt can be hot though. Personally if I'm willing to lie down on the ground in my regular clothes, I'm willing to take my shoes and socks off too.
@dougbillie I only watched the video for the swing. Your form is good, I would give you a 80/100 if it were a test. I think that if you kept a neutral spine by not lifting your head up, you'd be much better off. Instead of looking forward the whole time, let your head and face come gracefully down as your kettlebell descends. Pavel Tsatouline has some great vids on youtube, I can't recommend him enough.