Barbell Overhead Press Form Check

@scott1988 It looks ok. Focus on keep your elbows up, tight core, tight buns, tight legs. How wide is your stance?

Hold at the top of the lift for a second and really tighten your lats.

I'd take the weight down and get a bunch of reps in at the 20-25kg range.

And remember OHP is hard!
@girlforgod90 I keep my feet hip width apart. Previously, I've done 3x8 at 25kg and 3x12 at 20kg.

Elbows up, tight core, buns, and legs. I don't actually think of keeping tension in my legs, I didn't even realize it. Thank you very much!
@scott1988 Have you recently started lifting? I'm afraid to be the bearer of bad news, but I find that OHP is exempt from newbie gains in general :( Just keep plodding along with it, including plenty of back work and you'll start to increase the weight.
@girlforgod90 Yeah, I'm still within my first year.

I'm actually relieved if that's the case.. if it looks like I'm doing okay, I'll keep chipping away at it. I was afraid it was because I was doing something very wrong and was missing it.