Frustration with My Workout Routine - Seeking Advice


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I recently celebrated my 30th birthday and thought it would be a great time to share my fitness journey and seek some advice from this fantastic community.

I've been working on my fitness for approximately six years now. My journey began with simple home workouts, mainly walking and some free weight exercises from a mobile app. Over time, I progressed to more structured routines, following popular fitness influencers on YouTube like Lilly Sabri and Chloe Ting. After a while, I shifted my focus to at-home dumbbell workouts, primarily inspired by Caroline Girvan.

Current Situation:
Fast forward to a month ago, I moved to a new country and finally got a gym membership in August. I've been diligently hitting the gym and following a consistent workout routine ever since. Below is my current workout split:

Monday: Legs (Quad-Dominant)
1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill (12% incline, 5 km/hr)
2. Leg Press: 4 sets x 10-12 reps
3. Front Squats: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
4. Lunges: 3 sets x 10-12 reps per leg
5. Sumo Squats: 3 sets x 10-12 reps
6. Leg Extensions: 4 sets x 12-15 reps
7. Cool-down: 5 minutes on the stairmaster.

Tuesday: Arms, Back, Delts
1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill (12% incline, 5 km/hr)
2. Lat Pulldown: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
4. Barbell Rows: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
5. Bicep Curl (Dumbbell or Barbell): 3 sets x 10-12 reps
6. Tricep Pushdown: 3 sets x 10-12 reps
7. Cool-down: 5 minutes on the stairmaster.

Wednesday: Cardio
1. Incline Treadmill Walk: 30 minutes (12% incline, 6km/hr)

Thursday: Legs (Hamstring-Dominant)
1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill (12% incline, 5 km/hr)
2. Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs): 4 sets x 8-10 reps
3. Good Mornings: 4 sets x 8-10 reps
4. Leg Curls: 4 sets x 10-12 reps
5. Single Leg RDLs: 3 sets x 10-12 reps per leg
6. Hyperextension: 4 sets x 12-15 reps
7. Cool-down: 5 minutes on the stairmaster.

Friday: Legs (Glute-Dominant)
1. Warm-up: 10 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill (12% incline, 5 km/hr)
2. Hip Thrusts/Glute Bridge: 4 sets x 10-12 reps
3. Bulgarian Split Squats: 4 sets x 8-10 reps per leg
4. Curtsy Lunges: 3 sets x 10-12 reps per leg
5. Glute Kickbacks: 3 sets x 10-12 reps per leg
6. Abductor Machine: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
7. Cool-down: 5 minutes on the stairmaster.

I also incorporate a 5-minute abs routine from Lilly Sabri to finish each workout.

The Frustration:
Despite my dedication and commitment, I'm feeling a bit frustrated. My primary goal is to achieve a toned, slim body with a well-developed butt. However, I haven't seen the results I was hoping for, and it's getting discouraging.

My Questions:

Am I expecting too much too soon with my fitness goals?
Is there something I might be doing wrong in my workout routine or diet that's hindering my progress?

I'd appreciate any advice, tips, or words of wisdom from those who have been through similar experiences or have expertise in this area. Thanks in advance for your help and support! 💪🏋️‍♀️🙏
@leah3018 It has only been a month. But you’ve asked a few questions that you haven’t provided information on. Like what were your expectations after just one month? What is your diet like? Are these sets hard sets?

The actual routine is fine enough I guess. Can I ask where you got this one from?

Bottom line is you need to give stuff like this time. Go hard with the weights and be consistent. But also be realistic. It’s very possible your progress should be measured by years, not months.
level 1AlBorlon · 20 hr. agoIt has only been a month. But you’ve asked a few questions that you haven’t provided information on. Like what were your expectations after just one month? What is your diet like? Are these sets hard sets?The actual routine is fine enough I guess. Can I ask where you got this one from?Bottom line is you need to give stuff like this time. Go hard with the weights and be consistent. But also be realistic. It’s very possible your progress should be measured by years, not months.

I'm aiming to shed some weight and gain more definition. Surprisingly, I've noticed some weight gain around my tummy area, which has always been the slimmest part of my body. I'd say my diet is generally healthy, although I don't track calories or macros.

Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

- Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

- Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.

Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

- Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.

I haven't incorporated protein powder into my diet yet because the one time I tried mixing it into my smoothie, it turned foamy and changed the consistency. While I understand that I won't see miracles in just one month, I was hoping to start noticing some improved definition.
@leah3018 Right off the bat I see that your program is not the best.There is just too many lower body exercises in a single day. You have to take each working set close to failure to challenge the muscles. How are you supposed to do that with 18 sets of leg exercises in a single day 💀 The only way to go through that is to sandbag, i.e., doing a lot of junk volume. 3-5 sets of knee flexions + 3-5 sets of hip hinges in a single day + some isolation is all it takes.

Getting "toned" just means that you put on more muscle which makes the body look better. To build muscle you have to progressively overload the muscle. In other words, moving more weight, sets and/or reps with time.

Here is a much better program crafted for women:
He explains why it is crafted as is so you might learn a thing or two.

Train consistently, take each working set close to failure (1-3 sets in reserve) whilst keeping good form, sleep well, eat well and repeat for years. That is how you reach your goals

Also ditch the ab routine unless you enjoy it. You should still train the abs but it is a muscle group just like any other and doesn't need special treatment. Incorporate it in the program itself.
honking___goose · 19 hr. ago · edited 19 hr. ago

Right off the bat I see that your program is not the best.There is just too many lower body exercises in a single day. You have to take each working set close to failure to challenge the muscles. How are you supposed to do that with 18 sets of leg exercises in a single day 💀 The only way to go through that is to sandbag, i.e., doing a lot of junk volume. 3-5 sets of knee flexions + 3-5 sets of hip hinges in a single day + some isolation is all it takes.Getting "toned" just means that you put on more muscle which makes the body look better. To build muscle you have to progressively overload the muscle. In other words, moving more weight, sets and/or reps with time.Here is a much better program crafted for women:
explains why it is crafted as is so you might learn a thing or two.Train consistently, take each working set close to failure (1-3 sets in reserve) whilst keeping good form, sleep well, eat well and repeat for years. That is how you reach your goalsAlso ditch the ab routine unless you enjoy it. You should still train the abs but it is a muscle group just like any other and doesn't need special treatment. Incorporate it in the program itself.

Thanks for your input and the link to the program! I'll check out the video you shared to get more insights into crafting a better workout routine.
@leah3018 Skip the YouTube video, just pick one of these. They have been thoroughly vetted and are quality. Also, women don't need to train differently than men. These programs are universally appropriate for beginners.

In fact, if you haven't read that wiki I very strongly encourage it. Absolute gold.
I'd say my diet is generally healthy, although I don't track calories or macros.Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me:- Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

- Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

- Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.

I'd say my diet is generally healthy, although I don't track calories or macros.

Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

- Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

- Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.

Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

- Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.
@leah3018 I guarantee you aren't getting enough protein. Just spend a few days actually tracking your protein. A scale is the best way, but even just eyeballing your food for a few days and adding the rough estimates for protein will give you a ball park. If you aren't getting around 1g per lb you are really handicapping your growth.

How often do you weigh yourself?

That's another big one. At your level of fitness you almost certainly aren't gaining muscle if you aren't gaining weight. Most people who have experience training need to be in an anabolic state (calorie surplus) over weeks/months to gain an appreciable amount of muscle.

Weigh yourself every day. Use weekly averages to chart progress. You want to gain for approximately .25-.5% of your body weight every week. You are really frustrating your growth if you refuse to bulk.

I would be really interested in a progress report in a few months after you increase your protein and caloric consumption. I bet your lifts will start to progress noticably. I found my physique really started to change after my second bulking/cutting cycle.

Hope that helped.
@leah3018 As stated already here, you're likely doing way too many reps at wayyyy too low intensity. If you were grinding out those sets with the required intensity you would be puking and crying at the end of every session. Stick to a compound lift and maybe 1 or 2 accessory lifts afterwards.

You need to progressively overload the muscle that you want to train- that is you need to be consistently adding weight and/or reps and sets. And then also increasing the weight if you get into the 12-15 rep range and start all over again. This should absolutely be the hardest thing you do on that day so the rest of it is easy-peasy.

Eat nutrient dense food and prioritize adequate protein. Stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep. Do this for several months and you will start to see the fruits of your labor.
@leah3018 Programs shit

Doesn’t list load percentages just list exercises with sets and reps.

It’s only been a month

And that all requires proper form

If you aren’t feeling it in the targeted muscle for isolation chances are you’re doing it wrong or have poor mind muscle connection

Shit takes years

A big butt takes being on a surplus aka a bulk

A slim body is going to require a deficit

Pick one of the two goals and attack it then attack the other later

Don’t ever follow an influencers program

It’s all bullshit fluff and 99% of the time they’re lying about something follow a proven program. Designed for people that don’t know any better to drive eyes to their pages
@leah3018 Losing weight (if that’s a goal) only occurs if you’re in a calorie deficit. Are you tracking your calories?

Gaining muscle, in your butt and everywhere else, means getting close to failure in your sets. Are you lifting heavy enough?

Losing fat happens faster than gaining muscle, and both happen faster if you sleep 8 hours per night. But diet is king. Without knowing more about you and your goals, this is really all I can say.
'd say my diet is generally healthy, although I don't track calories or macros.

Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

- Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

- Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.

Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

- Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.

Thanks for your advice and interest in helping. To give you some background, I'm a 30-year-old woman, haven't had children, and I'm around 165cm tall, weighing approximately 62kgs. Interestingly, despite the weight gain, I've noticed that I actually wear a smaller size now, so I've come to realize that weight might not be the most significant factor for me.

As for my diet, I'd describe it as generally healthy, although I don't actively track calories or macros. Here's a typical day of eating for me:

Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.

Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.

I do feel like I train hard enough, but your point about pushing myself more is something I've been wondering about.
@leah3018 Track your calories and macros, and probably eat more protein. You’re eating healthy food, but maybe not in the right ratios. You’re also not posting any junk food or alcohol at all, which I just don’t believe. Get the Cronometer app and track EVERYTHING. Eat at a maintenance for a few weeks and see what happens with a good workout program.

Ditch the program. With all of that volume, there is a 0% chance that your actually doing any of that work at a high enough intensity to grow muscle.

I second what another poster said, pick a program from and thank me in 3 months. You’ll get stronger, you’ll gain muscle, and maybe even lose some fat. You’ll look hot.

Then comes the hard part. You’ll be super motivated by the changes you see in the beginning. But those changes get much harder to come by after about week 12. You’re gonna have to choose between gaining muscle and losing fat, and adjust your diet accordingly.

Don’t fuck around with any other crap online programs or making up your own. That 3 month period on a real trusted strength building program is amazing. Don’t waste it by trying to come up with your own thing.

Good luck.
@leah3018 You're working legs 3 times a week, twice two days in a row? That doesn't seem wise.

My primary goal is to achieve a toned, slim body with a well-developed butt. However, I haven't seen the results I was hoping for, and it's getting discouraging.

Losing weight is primarily about being in a calorie deficit, not exercising. What is your diet like? Are you in a deficit?
I'd say my diet is generally healthy, although I don't track calories or macros.

Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

- Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

- Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.

Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

- Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.

I'd say my diet is generally healthy, although I don't track calories or macros.

Here's what a typical day of eating looks like for me:

- Breakfast: 100g of full-fat quark yogurt with blueberries, raspberries, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, toasted coconut shavings, and pecans or walnuts.

- Lunch: It varies; sometimes I have a Caprese salad with burrata, beef tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper, or I opt for four-seed crackers with yogurt, feta cheese, salt, and pepper. I also snack on almonds or an apple with 100% peanut butter.

Occasionally, I enjoy a smoothie bowl with berries and mango, topped with cacao nibs, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and toasted coconut shavings.

- Dinner mostly consists of salads, such as tahini chicken salad with a side of roast potatoes or beef poke bowls with a mix of rice and cauliflower rice. Additionally, I take around 5g of creatine daily.
@leah3018 Sounds good/healthy but eating healthy like this in and of itself isn't going to cause weight loss, you still need to go into a calorie deficit if you're trying to lose fat/slim down.