

New member
March 2022 I had No specific diet, No workout plan but in and out of the gym lifting weights (badly) out since 16. I am now 34.

In Body scales usually mid week 1-2 weeks apart because generally they were de-motivating me and messing with me mentally around body fat percentage – so I use them sparingly now.

Fed up of weak deadlifting form and being a combination of weak and fat, I got a personal trainer and started my journey Mid March 2022 at approximately 79kgs and 20-22% body fat.

I started on a 4-5 day lifting program which revolved around focussing on muscle group per workout

I also did cardio – Les Mills Body Combat and Attack 1-3 times a week.

I entered a calorie deficit and yo-yo’d slightly to begin with before it became a way of life and I went from 79kgs-69/70kgs eventually over 12 months and according to in body scales, 14-15% body fat.

Going by the muscle mass indicators on Inbody I was bouncing around 33-34kg of muscle mass along with this 14-15% body fat.

My issue was at this point I was gaunt, skinny, had horrific body dysmorphia, food guilt every meal I ate, was always tired, no energy in the gym and no drive to do anything.

Everyone commented on how ill I looked and that I’d got too skinny, but I had no visible muscle, no visible ‘abs’ etc so I am convinced they were speaking from a place of not seeing me so small before but my body fat would not go any lower. So I didn’t believe them and kept pushing and made myself very ill mentally.

Eventually my wife got me out of the funk and I finally allowed myself a holiday where I just ate and did what I wanted for a week, bounced to 73kgs then back down to 70kgs when the food weight went.

I posted several times on reddit about my physique and most said start to lean bulk, I also needed a program where I could see or feel progressive overload and build some actual muscle mass.

So I moved onto a 4 day split programme, 2 upper and 2 lower, 2 strength and 2 hypertrophy (strength being 1-5 and hypertrophy being 8-10 reps). I incorporated a lot of deadlifting, conventional, sumo and RDL along with squats and bench press split across the 4 days. I saw progressive overload and I really enjoyed this style of workout.

I then started to eat 2300kcal, then when my weight didn’t go up for 3 weeks, I went up to 2500kcal then when I plateaued around 72-73kgs I pushed to 2800kcals my weight then jumped to 75kgs and my body fat was shown 16% average however my muscle mass only went up to 35kgs. I had a layer of fat but in the right lighting I could see abs and looked a bit more built.

I finally started to lift heavier (I am really, really not strong at all for a male at my weight) and my 1 rep max or deadlifting peaked at 140Kgs, squat around 100-110kgs, and I was dumbbell pressing 34kgs for 7-8 reps for the first time and 32kg dumbbells on incline for chest. That’s probably about 80kg 1rpm for bench.

From researching, the suggestion I found was 16% is where a lean bulk or bulk should stop. So, I have dropped back to 2,200 for 2 weeks now back to 2,000 once I settled again. I have dropped back to 72kgs, back to 34kg muscle mass but am still 16% body fat. I struggled to lift the 34kg dumb bells for 2 straight weeks so gave myself a de-load week, focussing on lifting the same but dropping the weight to give myself a break. Went back last night for the first time thinking I’d smash it or at least be back where I was before taking a de-load and nope! Could barely lift the dumbbells and everything has dropped.

My frustration:

If I lose weight I seem to just lose muscle mass and keep the fat,

If I gain weight it seems to just be minimal mus fat and not muscle mass

I always plateau at a particular weight on deadlifts, squats and bench which is still far, far below what any ‘normal’ guy can lift and still haven’t built muscle mass.

I was hoping to see a relatively parallel weight/BF/Muscle mass line going up, muscle mass just sticks the same but fat and body weight goes up.

I know I am opening myself up for all sorts of different opinions, but I just feel fed up and exhausted and wish I could keep it simple “eat right, lift heavy stuff, build a bit of muscle”.

I have also been tested for testosterone levels 4 years ago and it came back normal. Wondering whether I should get tested again.

Diet is 150g+ protein a day, 20+ fibre, the rest of my macros fall into place with this whether it is 2800kcal or 2000kcal.

Not sure what else to do anymore other than be annoyed but keep going,
@bosirejared Just ignore the bodyfat and muscle mass readout it's a load of bollocks.

Have you tried training and eating to be awesome? Rather than worrying about the scales and the numbers, just doing stuff that makes you awesome and then eating stuff that makes you awesome. Fuck the numbers.
@bosirejared You're putting too much weight on the inbody numbers.
It also sounds like you're barely moving the scale before stopping the bulk.

You're not going to get big & strong if you don't give yourself some room to grow.
Have you read the fitness wiki?


What program are you currently running?


If the nutrition and recovery are seemingly in check (and accurate) then it's just a matter of lifting, which is arguably the easiest part of this all.

Run an established program and into the ground. I'm a big fan of the Stronger By Science programs and you can essentially run them ad nauseum. I'd also advise not paying too much attention to those body analyzers as most of them are wildly inaccurate and clearly doing more harm here than any good.

I always plateau at a particular weight on deadlifts, squats and bench which is still far, far below what any ‘normal’ guy can lift and still haven’t built muscle mass.

What are your 1RM on the big three? Or what weight are you plateauing at?
@bosirejared Inbody scales aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on as far as bf% goes. If you want to know the actual number book a dexa scan. I get one a few times a year (last one was yesterday). Way more accurate and informative data.
@bosirejared Throw that scale in the trash. Judge yourself by how you look in the mirror and more importantly how you feel. What you were doing sounds miserable. You gotta find the joy or else why even bother?