Gaining weight


New member
Edit: I found out I was eating about 1000 calories on PBJ with milk. 400 Calories with the amount of peanut butter I was putting. I was drinking 2 glasses of milk. Which equaled to 3 cup of milk=360 calories. Not including the 2 slices of bread or the jam. I was overeating without realizing on my breakfast alone. Thank you everyone for your advices.

30m, 200 pounds, like 25-30 percent body fat.
Truck driver

I’m not able to post pictures but I calculated my calories online through a Reddit post.
It says I need to eat 2500 calories just to maintain my weight. So that’s not even including bulking.

I’m eating around 2500 calories and working out 3-4 times a week. I workout till I can’t push it or my body feels like jelly. I stopped getting stronger and I’m gaining fat.

I’ll eat

PB&j with milk
Like 500 calories

2nd meal
200g of chicken breast
100g of rice
500 calories

3rd meal the same thing
500 calories

Small bag of chips ( the 50 cent ones) with coke zero 280 calories

4-5 ounce Salmon and 100 grams of rice
400-500 calories

Protein with milk.
Like 300 calories.

I don’t understand. All I keep reading is “don’t eat more than 1g of protein per pound” so I eat rice. But then I’ll see in another post. Don’t eat a lot of rice.

@dszumera A lot of people make the mistake of thinking “I’m X weight so I need X calories to maintain weight.”

Example. At 6’ and 100kg my maintenance was 2650 cals. For some people it would be 3500 or 4000.
@dszumera There's no way of knowing EXACTLY how many calories you need to maintain.

There's no way of knowing EXACTLY how many calories you're eating.

And it changes if your level of activity, stress, sleep, etc., changes.

It's not hard for both to be off by 100 or so and whaddayaknow, you are unknowingly on a caloric surplus.

What is for sure is that if you are gaining weight, then you are on a surplus and you need to lower your calories or increase your activity to lose weight.

Also how much are you gaining and over how long? Cause it can fluctuate wildly due to water weight, you can't trust the numbers you get from one day to the other, you gotta compare over weeks and months.