Geoff Neupert Kettlebell Burn


New member
Anybody having experience with GF‘s Kettlebell Burn and Burn 2.0 yet ?
I saw it’s on „sale“ combined

Either 3 days a week about 45 minutes a session or 6 days a week 15-30 minutes a session

Currently I enjoy doing 2 full body strength sessions and 2 kettlebell conditioning sessions per week but I’m interested in opinions and experiences about the program(s) 👊🏻
@professor I'm new to GN's programs, but they kinda seem to be always on sale.

Do the program descriptions align with your goals? What you are currently doing is less important for others to know than what your goals are.
@jimmy22x Yeah good question!
Currently I’m mainly focused on fat loss but also at the same time I’d like to:
Get better at the big six kettlebell movements
Not neglect „aesthetic“ muscle groups like arms and medial and rear deltoids
@professor I'll defer to others who know GN's programs better by heart than I do. I am still new to them too. I'm not sure if he really does a program where he throws the whole kitchen sink in there movement-wise.

That said...maybe take a look at Maximorum, which has C&P, FS, and snatch in there and has an option of boosting the effort on the FS depending upon your leg strength.
@professor I’m currently on week 13 of 16 in Kettlebell burn 2.0. Loving it so far. Strength and endurance are up considerably (I was not consistently working out before I started). I’m down 15 pounds - I follow my own diet plan and stay in a calorie deficit 80% of the time, although it’s not as strict as the diet plan he includes in the program. Other than the noticeable fitness gains though, I’m wearing clothes that never would’ve fit me three months ago, I’ve had to buy some new pants and belts because I’ve lost a few inches from my waist line, and I’ve been getting comments from people, noticing the difference.

From a programming standpoint, it’s very manageable, and the recovery time is good (the first week or two were rough, but as I said before, I wasn’t actively working out before I started). The workouts are challenging and have some good variety.

For reference, I just turned 40, was somewhat active but didn’t have a great diet prior to starting this, and I had not been in a gym or followed any type of consistent exercise routine for probably 10 to 12 years before I started his programming. I’ve got a couple weeks left, and I’m already looking into what program I’m going to run next. It’s made me create good habits, to the point where I actively look forward to exercising.