Getting back in the zone ?!


New member

I'm a 40 years old male here.

I've been training for 20 years... the 10 first where not that serious, then it clicked...

I was good, on schedule and all.

And a few years ago stuff happened in my personal life that threw me off...

I've manage to push and keep a routine, integrated Keto in my life style. It was great.

And then a year ago my life was turned up-side down.

In the same month, I got a son (who was born with a major head hemorrhage), while in the hospital my home got broken into, 2 week after I came out of the hospital my partner was diagnosed with cancer (he's great now) and then, 7 month later, my mom (80) was rushed in the hospital (she's ok now, but it aged her so much in a few weeks).

That brings me now, out of shape, still shaken by all the challenges life threw at me at the same time... with bursitis in both shoulders. I want to get back in shape, get back with a routine, but I cannot get to it. Every reason is good. (And Confinement didn't help with the carbs, food, alcool intake!)

I want to start by jogging or stair-master or bike so I can raise my cardio and get back in the groove (without injuring my shoulders). But there is an inner force that hold me back.

Any tip on how to brake the circle? How to have that spark back? What steps should be the first ones (i.e.: get into a good diet first for a week or two, then start jogging for a few weeks... then make the session longer...).

Is there a great way to get the Motivation back? And get it to stick?
(Edit: age correction, the "4" from the "40" was not typed! I cant be 0 years old.haha)
@richprocida Start with a single step. Put your shoes and workout clothes on and turn the treadmill on or go outside. Commit to 5 minutes. Motivation is not a useful or reliable feeling for daily action. Action breeds motivation. Start small and build momentum. Start with not saying “can’t” and “inner force holds me back.” You can and start with a small step you can make for diet and activity.
@richprocida Fresh air, shoes to walk in, and podcasts will get your body and mind back on track. I recommend podcasts to disengage your mind from what your body is up to, and walking makes it easier to dissociate the physical activity from what you are listening to.

Do be aware of traffic et al, of course.

It put me in a place where I wasn't interrupted by life stuff, got me outdoors and out of my own stuff, and kept me on a single task (okay, two.. but yeah).

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