Giving up and giving in…


New member
Anyone else give up on their dreams?

I really enjoy working out. I joined a CrossFit class a couple months ago and love it. I pick up things pretty quickly and my movements with the barbell come pretty naturally. I enjoy the rush and intensity that I get from CrossFit. Coach says that he really sees something in me, but I always end up doubting my capabilities. I’ve honestly thought about quitting-specifically going to and paying for this CrossFit group program that st they offer. I don’t think I can deal with other people, I feel like I’m bothering them. I’m unable to engage l or start a conversation, I’m just so awkward and I hate it. I think what solidifies my decision is that I was kind of lost on the warm up-anyone else find that they need specific instructions?-I was lost on what we were doing it and how. I ended up falling behind and had to share with someone who already had a box set up, I felt like o was invading their space. They even gave me a weird look, they eventually had to move to another part of the room. I felt bad for taking up space and time away from the coach as he was directing the class…anyway it’s been keeping me up at night that I might actually give up this dream of being able to do CrossFit. When I think about it, it just makes me sad and feel defeated. I think it’s honestly for the best tho. I still would be able to do some type of CrossFit workouts at home, but even then that is a battle all in itself…will I have the initiative? The dedication? What if it all goes downhill?
@itsmedude If you are paying for the class, you are paying for your coach's space and time. Experienced people who give weird looks and don't play nice with newer people are assholes.

Keep going. There is a big learning curve but you get more familiar with it. Ive been doing crossfit for 7 years and I needed my coach to explain some accessory programming today.
And as a Pro Tip, asking someone in the class what an abbreviation on the whiteboard or how to do a movement is a good conversation starter, and the extroverts will usually take it as an opportunity to keep talking:)

Maybe it's unique to crossfit, but to me it seems like it's a space where the introvert and extrovert labels are really helpful in understanding folks and why they act the way they do.
@itsmedude Yes. you just turn to the person next to you and say “what are we doing?” And someone in the vicinity will be happy to tell you. It never fails.
@itsmedude Hard things are put in our path not to stop us, but to call on our courage and strength.

You can do the hard things. It's okay if you're nervous, scared, uncomfortable - show up anyway. Each day you'll get 1% more confident.
@itsmedude Maybe try another CrossFit gym or go to other classes at this one. The vibe may be different at either and might make you feel more comfortable. And the coach is there to help you. That’s what you are paying for. Don’t give up. Today happens to be my ten year anniversary of starting CrossFit It took me many months to remember all the common movements and abbreviations. When I started I never thought I would enjoy a class atmosphere and I was uncomfortable at first. But I quickly grew to love it.
@stephamore07 Maybe I’ll try the morning classes…but then I am worried about the group sizes…guess it’s something I just have to go through.
That’s lovely. Congrats on the 10 year! This gives me hope. :)
@itsmedude Don’t give up! Our brains are really good at tricking us into thinking we aren’t worthy. You are! Take up space and ask questions. Everyone has been where you are. It takes time and dedication ❤️
@itsmedude I hear this a lot and I think I understand. This is one of the hardest things about going to crossfit initially. The coach has a classfull of people in various abilities and experience. If you don't ask a question they won't know if you need assistance. And, the most dangerous member is the guy or gal who acts like they know it all until they have 100kg over their heads.
My suggestion is to pipe up and ask for help. That is what you are paying for. If you don't know what is going on, where equipment is, or the stimulus of a workout and appropriate scales then ask. That is what the coach is there to teach.
@itsmedude As someone who has been at different gyms since 2017, it honestly sounds like you are very self-conscious and afraid to take up space. You mention you feel like you’re invading their space or monopolizing coaches time. It doesn’t matter what your abilities are, you are allowed as much time and attention from the coach as anyone.

Many people feel intimidated by CrossFit gyms at first - especially if they are in a class with more experienced people. Don’t assume they are looking down on you or giving you weird looks - we were all beginners once. Focus on yourself and your progress. Keep at it and in a few years you will be the one sharing a box with someone new.