Glutamine? BCAA? L-Carntine? Do any of you ladies takes these suppls?

The reason why I ask is because I am interested in taking additional supplements other than my protein shake. Husband says it is not necessary and definitely a marketing ploy. I want to first state that both of us are fairly fit, eat very healthy, and go to the gym 4-5x a week. I have seen great results since October 2011, which is when I changed my lifestyle to a more fit lifestyle, and that is solely with a great diet, exercise, and my protein shake. I suppose I am just curious if those supplements really work. :)
@outofplace_christian A good quality protein shake is going to carry a serving of BCAA's in it. I was taking them when doing a "fasted" workout ala Leangains, but later read that he said you could take a protein shake instead. I feel a lot better working out with a shake in my system then a bunch of super expensive pills.

Glutamine is more amino acids. I'm not familiar with l-carntine, but it sounds like another amino.

One thing I can suggest is to add one supplement at a time. If you add a bunch at once and like the results, you may have trouble narrowing down which supplement is giving you the effect you like. Same for possible negative effects.
@seve Thank you!! I tend to forget that some of those supplements are listed in the protein already. I appreciate your suggestion too because I was thinking incorporating more vitamin supplements vs these supplements.
@outofplace_christian If I could afford them, I would. Supplements like BCAAs aren't necessary for the average person, because they are able to get the little bit the use during their daily activities from food. However, very active people use up much more of these substances and it really difficult to calibrate a diet to get as much as you need.