Do you take Creatine, l-glutamine, and BCAA on rest days?

@leorock if you are fasting, taking BCAA's technically would break that fast depending how strict you want to classify it.

you can creatine or glutamine whenever the hell you want, glutamine likely helps recovery, particularly your gut or immune system (i haven't taken it in years). you can get plenty of glutamine in your diet via sources of glutamic acid I think

creatine supplementation spares arginine though Guanidinoacetic acid may be more optimal for that purpose. while creatine is made with glycine, apparently it does not inhibit glycine stores in the body (I think this may have something to do about creatine stores being recycled in the body)

you might as well take Creatine on rest days.

You don't need to take BCAA's on rest days unless you are not hitting your protein intake.

when I supplement Creatine, I usually take it on rest days unless I forget or don't feel like it. It's no big deal tbh since the body stores like 100-150grams of creatine and we only use 2-3grams/day besides exercise.
@katiejean Your body has the capacity to store 2-3g of creatine per kg, but our stores are usually 70% full if one eats enough animal protein in the day.

I’d be interested in seeing where your info is coming from.
@caleb_m i've never heard we store 2-3g/kg but I need to check that. this is probably based on average sized ppl or at most, athletes who aren't 110kg+ (compared to typical 70-80kg)

70% full sounds right with typical animal protein intake unless you are gonna eat like a chicken and 2 ribeyes or something without even being on a Carnivore diet though I suppose you could. Like 2kg of meat or something that is a A LOT. I didn't know cheese could have 2-3grams/100grams. Because I could definitely destroy 100 grams in a moment.

https://www.creightonprep.creighton...Page/Weight_Room/Supplement_Info/creatine.pdf Here's an article on Cr and Arginine, a google search should pull up a few more. There was another I pulled up on creatine and glycine but that is easily searchable.

Gotta snack and shower before I go train.
@leorock These help on muscle growth. These supplements will help only for muscle recovery after exercise. No point of using during rest days. There are studies that people taking supplements without workout doesn’t help muscle building but if combined with exercise they help.
@leorock I never understood why people take these supplements. I always thought of it as unnecessary when I could just eat real food. I have a hard time differentiating between the facts and advertising. Can someone ELI5?.
@dawn16 The amount of steak you would have to eat to get the amount of creatine serving of one scoop is absurd

Creatine is the most scientifically studied supplement and it’s proven to work so this supplement is very necessary if you wanna optimally build muscle and recover