Got a single 12kg what now


New member
Hey so iam 115kg 185cm 30-25%body fat (in calorie deficit rn to recomp)

Somehow developed huuuge interest in KB last week after 2 months of body building and ordered a 12kg KB as suggested online now what ?

ik S&S is popular but it seems boring ( really sorry for blasphemy) something like full body Kb seems really exciting but is it really appropriate for beginner especially fat ones?

My main goal is just general fitness with focus on conditioning (tho won’t complain if I built some muscles in the process 😅) Ik barbells are better for hypertrophy but just can’t stay consistent in gym with uni and what not

At least got a pull bar :D still to fat to actually do more than 1 tho

Thanks everyone who replied!!
@nightfire61 I just started kbs recently after a couple years of working out otherwise.

I started with the Armor Building Complex. Two cleans, one shoulder press, three squats. With one bell, I do one side at a time, emom for 12 mins (both sides in one minute). It’s a great mix of cardio and strength for me. After it’s done I do 5 mins of pushups and pull-ups.

My shoulders have grown a lot, my glutes and core and getting stronger every day and I feel great.

As great as the one you posted looks, the bridge looks a bit complicated. Personally I’d keep it simple and stick to it before trying more advance moves, but you do whatever you need to keep you motivated and going! Good luck.

U/asgooch has some good stuff on here too. I add in one of the mobility routines he posted to supplement as well
@ajarrett Thanks man iam after reading the replies I think if just start simple withy he basics squats overhead presses, rows, swings and finish with pushups and pull ups.
I just feared kettlebell won’t develop shoulders as much but I might have underestimated it thx again
@nightfire61 As a person who has just recently entered the amateur norms, I can say that in my opinion, what is worth doing first of all are slingshots and swings. Why? This is grip training (I don’t remember where I heard it, but I clearly remember it, that almost all of our strength is hidden in our grip) and core muscles. Next we develop the shoulder corset, these are halo and press. Be gentle and patient with your bodyweight squats. There are four basic squats. Goblet, Classic (when the weight lies on the shoulder on one side, the weight on the back (similar to a classic squat) and double front (this is a serious exercise). Don’t rush over the cardio result (it will happen in any case) - the first thing is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments , the second is technique. Only then we think about the progression. Unlike classic iron and dumbbells, kettlebells have a lot of explosive force and load, and the main thing here is practice, consistency and patience.

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