Got my first ever FULL Iron Cross in 10 months!! (AMA)

@angel9523 Yeah bro, someone's gotta take on those mad super skilled people from Russia or China hahaha

Feel free to reach out to me on ig! Happy to train tgt- was completely lost when I first started lelll
@traceyharding Not at all! I'm training advanced tucked and straddle planche on my parallettes (but exclusively supinated-grip) right now haha- only properly started programming planche work a month ago!

I don't train planche on floor or pronated grip on pbars- I see my calisthenics friends doing these always rubbing their wrists/wearing bandages, being out of action. I'm going straight for slanted supinated grip on pbars- with the intention to bring my planche over to rings as soon as possible.

Longetivity is the goal! That being said, I do condition my wrists as well! Tendon strengthening is always useful.

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