Got up to 9 pull ups this morning


New member
(25F) Not my personal best, but my best so far this year. How did I get here?

I started with 0 (zero) in august 2019. I got a pull up bar off Amazon and started doing negatives 5-6 days a week. I started with sets of 2 every time I walked through my door. Every week I re-evaluated where I was and added reps and by early September 2019 I could do 1 pull up.

After that I would do 1 pull up and some negatives every time i walked through my door. By December 2019 I could do 7. At that point I integrated various pull up routines into my daily workout and got up to 14 in the summer of 2020. I plateaued and then took a break and am now working back up.

It seems pull-ups are particularly daunting for women, but I think a lot of that is mental block. A little bit everyday over time will get you there.
@worthless1976 That's awesome! I used to do chinups in the dark corner of my gym bc I was nervous to do them infront of people. After a few months, lots of back work and numerous failed attempts I eased my way into pull ups. They're so damn hard! Now I can do a few in the busy squat bar area at a time and will always get a female who comes up after I'm done and asks how I got to that progression. I love to tell them all my secrets!
@worthless1976 I have never been able to do a full pull up, but I've been working on it since the beginning of February, and I'm getting so close I can taste it. I hope to get my first one by the 6 month mark. I'm also working on losing about 5-10 pounds which should help with the process.
@worthless1976 Wow! That’s amazing.

Currently trying to get one pull-up - 7 weeks post partum. Just about to finish a ab/pelvic floor program (Bloom Method) so I can get back into more strenuous workouts. Here are some of my at-home exercises I want to progress through

-Knee push-up
-Elevated arms push-up
-Standard push-up
-Elevated legs push-up

-TRX row
-TRX bicep curls
-TRX T extensions

Core Work
-Hollow Holds
-Knee Tucks

Bar Work
-Dead hangs
-Scap Pull-Up
@worthless1976 I’ve never been able to do a pull-up, but it’s my goal! I’m on week 3 of doing negatives every other day (I started with 5, now I’m up to 6), and a minute worth of dead hang (initially I couldn’t hang more than 10 - 15 sec, now I do 2 x 30 sec). I’m definitely feeling stronger/more controlled. But I still feel SOOOOO far off from being able to do even one pull up!
@markinsydney I yolo’d for the first couple months then in the spring of 2020 did a pst (physical screening test for navy spec ops) program that I think is just on a navy recruitment page. Two programs mentioned in the thread are the Russian pull up program and fighter pull-up programs.

Biggest advice would just be so them everyday though.
@worthless1976 That's so awesome! Well done!!!

Still working on one here. I have to get a bar for home instead of relying on the gym (which have all been shut here again damn).