Grease the groove with swings?


New member
Hey all- I've been searching the web for something related, but can't find exactly what I'm looking for. Hoping to get some advice from those stronger and wiser than I am.

I train bjj 6 days a week, about 1.5 hours every night. I've been trying to do Simple & Sinister in the morning, but have found that it's hardly worth the sweat- I don't want to shower 2+ times a day (after S&S and then again after bjj). I also just prefer a GTG type of thing since I'm home all day and pretty sedentary besides training at night.

I have a 28kg kettlebell, which I can probably do about 8 reps of C&J with my weak arm or maybe about 15 one arm swings with weak arm. I consider it a heavy-ish weight for me, though I read GTG should be with a lighter weight.

I guess my question is this: If I did something like 10 swings with my kettlebell every hour on the hour, for 12 hours, every day (120 swings a day), what results could I expect? Would I get stronger and be able to move up kettlebell weight in a couple months? Would this improve body comp and general fitness? I do understand it likely wouldn't improve conditioning or endurance.
@lostgirl17 You're kinda asking a lot of different things, would it recomp your body? Probably not GTG is about increasing neurological efficiency in a movement.

120 reps a day? For every day? You will probably get a bit of recomp for that. Depending on how you eat.

That swing volume would be good for maintenance maybe? Depending on how long you do it for though it will plateau out if you don't obey progressive overload.