Gurvin or Cummings


New member
Hi. Have seen both recommended here and other boards as well. Wondering what your favorite plans or a comparison of the two? Have been doing beach body but have kind of exhausted everything I'm interested in from them.

For reference- 36/f 4' 11" 120 lb. I'm happy with my si,e and weight after birthing three kids but would like to firm up a bit more with lean muscles.

I have 2,5,8,10 and 15 lb weights. Also do yoga several times a week with my husband and kid.

@peppapixl I like Caroline a lot. I gather her workouts are more challenging and better organized than Cummings, but I can’t attest to that as I’ve only tried two Cummings workouts. I couldn’t handle her chattering away all through the workout though. I love that Caroline is silent so you just get music and beeps to tell you when to start/stop.
@peppapixl Haven't tried Cummings so can't compare, but I also cancelled Beachbody because they only release 3 programs a year now.

Found Caroline and loving it! On week 2 of EPIC 1 and already feel stronger than ever
@peppapixl I would say a combo of liift4 and mbf but structured better. Mbf had you all over the place and never really working muscles in the order or timing you should be. And liift4 had too much HIIT.

She's got a beginner week series you can check out to see if you like it. Just saying, I've never sweat the way I do with her workouts, and actually feel like I'm making progress instead of tying to "compete" with the bb people