Haven’t been back to the gym in 6 weeks


New member
I have not gone back after having 4 bad weeks. I keep telling myself to go back but have gone on 1.5 miles walks instead. I have anxiety going back. How can I change my mindset again? Any tips that you use after not going bad for awhile?
@hales13 Couple suggestions.
1. Motivational videos (sometimes ya just need a little kick in the proverbial ass)
  1. Spend a few days looking up new exercises and planning a new routine. Some things you can get excited about trying
  2. Write down every reason you want to work out, low self esteem, health, fun, ect. Then write down every reason you don't want to go. Look at this list every day and add to it daily, even if you're just writing the same answers daily.
  3. Just do it. (None of us can give you a reason to get fit that suits you, and none of us can hold your hand and force you into a gym. It's on you to overcome that mental challenge to even begin the physical one. 75% of working out is believing you can do it and actually putting yourself in the gym . The other 25% is the repetitions and gains that you achieve when you don't feel like doing it but do it anyway)
Mental toughness is the hardest to achieve and integrity (to yourself) is the hardest to give, resisting and overcoming these blockades will do more for you as a person, especially if youre a man than any amount of bench press will.

Tldr: I believe in you, and I promise that anxiety will only worsen with time if you let it go unchecked. Find the root of why you don't want to go and remind yourself how stupid it is in comparison to a life of discipline and a healthy body. Science has proven over and over again the best medicine for your mind is a strong body, and the best steroid is a strong mind. Once you build the habit you will feel anxiety if you DONT work out

DM me if you'd like, we can talk a bit before your next session about your situation, some motivation tips, and some stuff to help get over that hump
@hales13 Last time I went was in april. Too much pollen lol.

To get my motivation back, I usually watch tons of motivational videos.
stuff like this. Another motivator I sometimes try is to pick a new program instead of going back to the one I was on when I stopped going

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