Haven’t missed the gym since Christmas. Is it necessary to have rest days if I’m doing PPL?

@paigek91 I think this is just asking for trouble long term. There's plenty of other reasons you need rest in addition to just muscle recovery such a tendons, joints etc that all get absolutely hammered during training. Super common for elbow pain with high frequency training.

Also if you're training with intensity there's a good chance a lot of these sessions won't be fully recovered in 48 hours, it can vary.

At the very least I would take the odd rest day here and there, ideally PPL rest PPL rest repeat.
@paigek91 Take at least one rest day every two PPL cycles. I noticed over the last year started taking a “rest” day after every PPL cycle where’d I’d just do some long form cardio on those days - noticed better gains but I’m also in a surplus right now as well
@paigek91 Always put in rest days on any program. At least one. You may feel good taking no days off for a while, but eventually, it catches up with you, and the fatigue wall slaps back hard. On that rest day, you can still go for a walk outside or maybe an easy hike, go for a low intensity swim or bike. Just don't weight train for a day. It really does help reset your body and mind.

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