Haven’t worked out in 2 1/2 weeks ☹️


New member
So I’ve been sick for 2 1/2 weeks so I haven’t been to the gym and I’ve also gained back up to 153lbs. I had gotten down to 151lbs. I have been eating like crap, basically whatever sounded good when I had an appetite. I know it was only a 2 pound gain but I fought like hell to lose those 2 pounds cause of my health issues. I’ve also started developing muscle.

I’m feeling better so I’m going back to the gym tonight but I hope I haven’t derailed myself too much.

Edit: Thanks for all the support. Y’all are right. I like to get in my head sometimes and start freaking out easily. I just need to trust the process.
@perviasrectas Everytime I have a bigger pause I remember that it didn't take me a day or a week to get in shape, therefore it doesn't take a day or a week for me to get out of shape. So don't feel too bad for taking a break 🙂

You'll get right back into it, don't worry!
@perviasrectas It's ok girl I feel you! Anytime I feel bad, I remember that whatever progress you had in the gym, you're not gonna lose it over a few weeks or even months. As long as you keep active here and there, eat within your maintenance calories, you'll be fine :)

I stopped working out back in May due to a job and then I had an emergency medical procedure and then I just honestly fell out of love with the gym and heavy weightlifting. It's ok to take breaks, shoot I'm still just getting back into low impact workouts. But I still feel better than when I started my fitness routine 3 years ago, and I still feel strong.
@perviasrectas Stay calm. If you now ate more carbs, you just might see water retention on the scale. I once quit for 4 weeks due to health issues. You can get back on track with training. Maybe start low and I guess after 1 or 2 weeks you are back where you ended
@perviasrectas don't worry about it!! like other commenters have said, that's not that long of a break. more importantly though, it's not that big of a deal to lose some progress, when life gets in the way of consistent exercise for whatever period of time. it's gonna happen. but studies show that muscle regain after losing it actually comes faster than when you developed it the first time, and think about it this way - you've already proven to yourself that you're capable of achieving it!

two years ago i injured my back. i had to take a huge step back from training, and i was extremely discouraged at the time. but just yesterday i hit a squat PR 20 lbs above what i was lifting before i injured myself. there's so much fluctuation in the short term (days, weeks) it can be stressful, so I have to remind myself to keep in mind the steady progress over the years.
@perviasrectas I feel like this every time I get my period. I am in complete control all the way up until the week before my period and then I lose all self control with food. I’m always scared of how much damage I did but I usually end up weighing less when it’s over. I know you worked so hard to loose those two pounds, I get the effort because I have autoimmune diseases, but you definitely didn’t derail your progress. It might take a couple sessions, but you’re going to get back in there and you’re going to kill it and beat that 151 pound mark. You’re going to make progress with your muscle building and just feel amazing. You got this!
@perviasrectas It's more of a mental game than one would think. Does anyone want to work out when they are sick? Nope! Will you continue to work out once you move on from this set back? Yes! I'm not a doctor but the more we take care of ourselves, the more our immune system strengthens and we'll get sick less often. Now taking a break due to an injury from overtraining....that's another topic - been there done that do not recommend.
@perviasrectas You can do it girl! I’ve been in a gym slump as well. More like 2 1/2 months for me 🥲 I made it a goal to go this week though! I’m at 153 right now too. We got this!!
@perviasrectas Don't worry about it - letting your body focus on fighting off disease is the right thing to do - and the prerequisite for going into a healthy working out schedule. Also, your body needs nutrients for doing so, and better to gain a little than unnecessarily compromising your immune system.
@perviasrectas The most important lesson of fitness is learning how to be resilient. There will be so many times you have to take a break. You’re sick, you move, you have family obligations.

This is a great time to practice resilience!
@perviasrectas i am with you. went to family get together and lost my gym streak.
i have adhd so i’m very prone to completely abandoning habits when i’m derailed by life happenings. but not this time: get back to it, i will too! you might have to deload a bit but you definitely will not have lost all your progress.
@perviasrectas I totally feel you! Don't worry, you'll get back on the gym wagon! I've not worked out in about two weeks due to sporadic and sudden onset of irregular fast heartbeats... going up the stairs is a nightmare and just walking around feels gross at times.
All of my leggings feel extra tight around my midsection. It's awful.

I hope you get better soon - the first day back in the gym sometimes feel the worst but I'm confident you'll be back at it again as normal! 👏🏼
@perviasrectas I promise you haven’t completely derailed yourself. 2 lbs isn’t a lot if you really think about it. Giving your body a break is good for you. You’ll get back in it and lose it quick