Hello fellow Crossfitters, I work a 9-6 job and sit in front of a computer all day. Mobility recommendations?


New member
As stated in the title, I sit all day and want to start adding in some mobility work throughout the work day so when I WOD at night i'm not so stiff. Can any of you recommend some good videos or websites that you find helpful?

@stewart2014 Keep a lacrosse ball & a softball at your desk. Sit on the softball & use it to roll out soreness in the legs & hips.

Use the lacrosse ball for everything else while sitting. Make it a point to get up & walk around & stretch out once an hour.
@stewart2014 I also have the 9-5 job and i started doing some mobilization about a year ago. Couple of things that worked for me;

Couch stretch: watching tv at night il do this 2-3 mins per side x 3. Initially this hurts like a mofo but it gets better quick!

Mobilize your wrists. This is highly underrated but after a bad wrist strain u will do this religiously. You can use bands at home and a lacrosse ball.

Grab a softball or any hard grapefruit sized ball and roll your pecks. Place the ball on a table or countertop and roll those chesticles. Look up kelly starrets 'blue angel' stretch i believe its called. Dont forget the side and back of your shoulders/biceps. Also do ur back and traps!!

I found that also mobilizing your thoracic spine area helps aaaaa. Loootttttt with posture.

Wurkt for mi. Gluck! Spelling**on phonedurrr
@fintastic This is basically what i did, have gone from not being able to even fold my hips in a pike to touching my toes in a matter of months! However when working 9-5 i also set an alarm to stand up and walk around a bit shake out and reset my self using the brace position(see become a supple leopard).
@notthereyet Good points! I also found that going for a walk helped loosen up and i even take some trips to the washroom to stretch ( u don't look as stupid this way...or maybe you look more stupid...who knows ). Just perform a couple of dynamic stretches in the stall and go back to work!
@ever0739 Downvotes unsurprising but this is legit - sitting at work is hard to your body to deal with years on end. Unless you are absolutely, 100% prohibited from changing your workstation for some reason, this will be the most important long term solution in addition to regular mobility work.

Sitting for 8-12 hrs daily and being unable to change it is like asking, 'Guys, can you recommend some nutritional supplements to help my liver? BTW I drink ten beers a day.' It's pissing into the wind if we don't at least TRY and affect the cause.

Besides that, thoracic spine openers, hip openers are my go to anti sitting.

Super couch stretch with a band (3-5 mins) and spinal flexion/extension on the Mwod Gemini.
@ever0739 I just got a varidesk at my work a few weeks ago and I love it! My hips and back are feeling a lot better and I feel more productive. Even if you have to buy it yourself, seems worth the money