Hello, I'm new here so please be nice to me :-)


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I want to know that how much steroids (or Peds, whatever) did Chris Bumstead take in the olympia contests to reach such a low bodyfat while still retaining incredible muscle mass. Or just use example of other olympia winners to answer these questions. Keep in mind I have almost no knowledge about steroids and couldn't find any such info on the internet either, so am asking here. Also;

-are steroids and Peds the same thing with different names? Are there also other names for these products?

-do all steroids increase muscle mass or do some also just increase performance while not increasing mass much? Asking bcoz anatoly on utube is so strong but isn't very big. does he take some sort of peds?

-can just lots of food with 0 steroids and 0 protein shakes get me somewhat big too or r protein shakes necessary to overcome plateaus?
@purpleflower2 Ped is a wider category than steroid.

Steroids are part of peds.

I really don't think anyone can be 230 pounds 4% body fat without steroids.

You will never know cbum cycle because he doesn't want people to copy him.

But he is always on testosterone for sure. He must add other types of steroids when he needs it but we will never know exactly.

Eating a lot of clean food can make you very muscular but doing it with steroid is a shortcut. Steroids allow you to gain more mass than your natural genetic limit.
r/bodybuilding and r/fitness block my posts so asking here and in r/weighttraining. sorry, dont know how else to find answers to these questions.
@frit thanks. but can u tell me answers to the cbum questions above too please, if u know?

EDIT: I just realized I've already watched that Jeff video like twice before haha 😂. I know what to expect but wanted to know specifically about Cbum/other olympian winners' steroid intakes
@purpleflower2 peds stand for "performance enhancing drugs also the same term for steroids, there's lots of compounds and yes protein is essential to grow muscle mass, without it how would your muscles repair themselves after a hard workout, so it's important & yes you could still abtain a pretty good physic without peds if you have the right genetics.
also, if you took what chris bumstead took, you still wouldn't ever look like him, genetics are a big part in bodybuilding.
@purpleflower2 The only question worth answering is the last one; yes if you eat plenty and train intelligently you can get pretty big. You will never look like a Mr. Olympia winner even with their same juice stack so it's not worth thinking about

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