Help! Can’t get rid of cellulite on my thighs and bum


New member
So I’ve had cellulite on my upper thighs and bum since I 13 and now in my late twenties it’s still an issue. I don’t wear shorts or shirts without tights and I can’t wear certain materials as my cellulite appears through. I’ve tried diets, exercise, dry brushing, coffee scrubs and nothing helps.

My goal isn’t to get rid of them completely as I know this is an impossible task but I just want some advice in terms of fitness and diet that can help with this. I’m not an ‘overweight’ person (U.K. size 10/12) but I am shapely (hips / thighs) so I know this contributes to my cellulite.

Right now I’ve started working out on my legs twice a week (mainly home work outs as I am trying to cut down on spending), doing a range of exercises such as weights sumo squats, deadlifts, weighted reverse lunges, glute bridges all in sets. I have also been intermittent fasting for the last month and I plan to start walking 5,000 steps 5 days a week.

I just need some help/ advice from anyone who suffers from the same thing and has found a way to reduce or anyone who is in fitness and knows tried and tests ways that will help.
@corinth77777 Cellulite is fat deposits under the skin. It's incredibly normal / common in women & nothing to be embarrassed by. It's not gross, wrong, or shameful.

To reduce the appearance you need a reduction of fat. If your body shape is pear, you may never completely diminish the appearance of cellulite unless you get to an unhealthy level of BF %.

Strength training would be your best option to diminish the appearance of cellulite.
@corinth77777 Cellulite is a real toss up. Some people see a visible reduction as they cut body fat and increase muscle mass, but ultimately there is no picking where your body decides to burn fat. You may get to low and healthy overall body fat and still see it because that’s where and how you’re genetically predisposed to carry necessary fat deposits.
@corinth77777 Keep doing what you’re doing. All of those exercises will help shape your thighs and butt, reducing the appearance of cellulite. I’ve been strength training and running for two years. Used to very “dimpled”, but now my legs are very toned with muscular definition. Just keep going, the change takes time. What you’re doing now will get you there soon enough.
@dawn16 It has really evolved over the past few years, always doing what’s best for the body, which takes some fine tuning over the course of the learning process.

Started with walking to build muscle from being sedentary for so long. That quickly turned to running. Running really is the best bang for your buck. If you don’t like running, the next best bang for your buck is walking on a treadmill (3-4mph), on a 5-10 incline, with 2-3lb weights in each hand, for 60 minutes. I’m an outdoor runner in MN, so that’s how I stay training during the winter.

These days I’m running roughly 20 miles per week- most days 3 miles, some days 5 miles. Also, strength training at least twice per week.

I made my own workouts from some of my favorite workout girls on Instagram, so now I have 3 traditional lift sessions: 1 Total Body, 1 upper body, 1 lower body; all consisting of a warm up, 6-8 moves, abs, and stretching. Then I have two more ‘dynamic’ workouts (meaning the moves are more fluid, they’re a little lower weight, but I move faster and focus on balance and flexibility during the moves) which is a front core (abs, obliques) and a back core (butt, thighs, lats).

I personally like to do smaller workouts more frequently (morning and afternoon) because I do eat lower calorie and will be way too tired by the end of the day after a morning 60 minute workout. I take probably two days off per week where I focus more on my diet, which tends to be high in nutritional value, but lower in calories (a lot of produce, including potatoes, beans and chicken or fish) and always a walk. So a typical week looks like:

5 mile run/1 hour walk on treadmill + incline + weights
Total body + 30 minute run
Dynamic core + 30 minute run
Day off with 60 minute walk
Lower or upper body lift + 30 minute run
Dynamic core + 30 minute run

I will say also, that I’ve changed my lifestyle to look forward to getting my steps in for a day. So, it’s not like I do my workouts and then I’m done for the day. I’m physical wherever I can be. I make it a point to take the extra steps- parking far away, getting up myself to get something, walking around the office to ask questions vs send an email. I’ve turned into a busybody and always get the 10k steps. 4 years ago I was 200+ lbs and I’ve been maintaining 123 for 2+ years now.
@corinth77777 Strength training, specifically doing progressive overload while loosing some weight, is what helped me reduce cellulite significantly.

I also did intermittent fasting but I don’t really know whether fasting helped or not (sorry) but strength training definitely did!

Walking alone doesn’t help reduce my cellulite, but it’s still nice to be active
@corinth77777 If you keep doing what you’re doing, it should get better! IF doesn’t make you lose weight/fat on its own but it may help you stay in a calorie deficit, which will help. I’ve lost about ten pounds in the last few months and while I’ve only lost an inch or two around my hips, my butt has significantly less cellulite than it used to. Changes will happen! Unfortunately it takes patience, which I’m terrible at. But it will get better! You may not be able to get rid of it - it’s present in at least 90% of women and is just something fat cells do - but you can definitely reduce it.
@corinth77777 Cellulite is normal and sometimes you cannot do anything to get rid of it. You can strength train to potentially minimize. Beauty standards are bologna! Most people you see who have reduced cellulite have had plastic surgery procedures.
@corinth77777 Also prone to cellulite, but when used to run 3x a week pretty much disappeared from my legs for me. I’ve done both weights and running periodically but found running the better exercise personally.
@corinth77777 Unfortunately, there’s just no way to say what will or won’t work for you. I have very narrow hips and skinny legs, but even at a low body fat percentage, I still have visible cellulite. It’s become more noticeable as I’ve gotten older. The only thing that reduces the appearance for me is having a tan.