Help! Choosing the Right Vegan Protein


New member
Narrowed down my search to these 3 :
Can you help me make a rational decision for choosing between these three vegan proteins ? Or you can suggest other choices backed with strong logic. I think when one is going to consume 20 grams of something "anomalous" daily for months, the decision around it needs a deep delibration.

Apart from the fact that i want to eat vegan protein, the only other dimension on which i want to make decision is quality/cleanliness/pureness.

Thoughts/Concerns with Origin Vegan protein powder
Thoughts/Concerns Naturaltein's Vegan protein powder:
  • My mind is pushing me to choose naturaltein. This is because you can unequivocally establish a super strong trust for their whey protein products. However, trusting their vegan protein powder is not that easy.
  • Naturaltein has listed all their certifications and lab reports here ( (, this is super super impressive and something all protein brands should do), but none of the certifications listed here are for vegan protein product. All of them are for whey protein product.
  • You can see logo of Glyphosate residue free certificate from on their vegan protein powder. But i cannot find these vegan protein products listed on detox project's database ( : Search "Naturaltein"). However, you can see that all their whey protein products are listed.
  • Similarly can see logo of Cologne list certificate on their vegan protein pouch/jar and luciky this time i can find naturaltein's vegan protein in their database ( and search "NATURALTEIN Vegan Protein"). Two things
    • The biggest issue with Cologne List certificate is that no where on their website i found that they have mentioned that they conduct blind or random testing like Informed sports or clean label USA does after issuing certificate to company. Now i cannot ignore the tests done on different batches of vegan protein powder mentioned here. But the question is are they blind/random tested simulating consumer experience or were they asked from the company for testing.
Thoughts/Concerns with Oziva Organic Plant Protein:
  1. Unlike Cologne list and Informed Sports certifications, US CLP's website doesn't show the regular testing they mention they do after providing certification (Like Cologne list and Informed sports lists down all the batches they have tested with dates). You can also see different kinds of certificates US CLP gives here. (CLP Certificate, Purity Award, Pesticide free certificate, etc)
  2. It seems that, Organic Protein Powder is only given pesticide free certificate and not the Purity Award or CLP certificate unlike oziva's other products such as Plant Based Omega Multi, Hair Vitamins, Protein & Herbs for Women etc which are given all these certificates. You can download this certificate by clicking "See Certificate" on any oziva product on US CLP website.
Please don't perceive my analysis as me thinking these companies playing any dirty game infact i think the efforts made by these companies is actually pushing the boundaries of protein product qualities in India and is quite commendable and that's is why i have narrowed down to these 3. But they need to make it super easy to establish super firm trust on quality of their products for a consumer like me who wants to consume 20-30 it for months for every single day.

If you think this is not the right space to delibrate this, can you refer me the correct place. I am already thinking of posting this on, r/Fitness_India and r/India reddit channel.
@corinne1 Hi! I've been consuming Oziva for a year & have also tried MyPro & Origin for the last few months. MyPro's lab report proved it only has 25% of the protein it claimed to have. Also, Oziva was found to have toxins as per lab reports by The Liver Doc, he posted about this on twitter. As per few more lab reports, Oziva had only 57% protein, against the claim of 83% by company. Nor did I find any major benefits after consuming it for over a year.

I've found Origin to be the best so far as per lab reports. Nutrabox & Cosmix also have a very convincing review. There are some independent lab reports done by some youtubers. So I'm keen on trying them soon. My current preference based on several factors like amino profile, % protein/100 grams, less toxins, fillers, etc, is - 1st - Origin, 2nd - Nutrabox, 3rd - Cosmix
@aries_113 Causation and aggrevation are different things. Causation means it will be same for everyone. Lot of acnes caused by steroids gets blamed on Protein. The doctors look for easy diagnosis. Oh you are are taking whey, it must be causing acne.
@corinne1 Because except Soy all other vegan protein powders lack essential amino acids. With Soy there is a estrogen harmonal dogma which isn't proved. Vegan protein foods is just Tofu and thats it. So it will very difficult to meet your protein intake.
@suamaytinh5s If we read the the amino acid composition of all the above 3 products brands, i don't think they lack essential aminos.

Can you share your reasons why you believe that that plant proteins (above 3) lacks essential aminos ?
@corinne1 You don't have to convince me. Clearly diet isn't important for you. It doesn't matter in long run. You will keep growing. But after 1-2 years you will hit a wall. Then maybe think about this.
@carnes They have not enrolled in any certification program like these 3 brands which means their products are not regularly tested. So i had eliminated cosmix.

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