Help getting in shape for a chunky monkey (37M, 6'2, 290 lbs)

Hey there,

Through a series of unfortunate injuries/accidents and poor choices during COVID lockdowns, I now have gluten intolerance, high uric acid and high sugar levels. I also went from a comfortable 200 lbs to 290.

I managed to royally mess up my ankle and knee in September, and prior to covid lockdowns, tore my rotator badly. The shoulder is still healing, the ankle/knee is almost there. Spoke to my Dr and based on our discussions, we decided I should do an 1800 calorie a day, low carb/keto lifestyle for the next 6 months. This is primarily due to me being unable to eat most carbs/starches/purines and needing to lose weight to make the rehab go smoother.

In addition I've been incorporating an 18:6 Intermittent fasting regiment the past week and it's done wonders. I haven't had any temptations to eat after 7 PM and somedays the issue is reaching a minimum of 1800 calories as I already feel satiated. Also 10+ glasses of nice ice cold water a day.

That's the background, so to keep this really simple. Goal is to drop down to at least 240lbs by end of this year (220lbs would be awesome, but 240 is 100% doable with just eating properly at least)

What would people recommend for basic cardio exercises to help it along? My apartment has access to an exercise bike, treadmill and basic weight bench. I would like to focus on cardio the next 6 months until my ankle is 100% and until my overall weight is a lot better. By then the shoulder should be good to go and I can incorporate slight weight lifting/resistance training into the routine.

Thank you for any and all help, it's greatly appreciated, and I'll be looking to incorporate this basic cardio in March.

Have a great weekend!
@living4christ560 I would ask your doctor, but walking is where I’d start. Your body is going through some significant changes, so keeping intensity low will avoid the risk of injury. As you near your goal weight and acclimate your body to regular exercise, you can incorporate some jogging.
@living4christ560 I was in the same place but I’m 5’9 I found that getting my ass up everyday and walking 5k while doing a full body weight program in the evening really has been helping me, I’m down from 290 to about 255 right now.
The keys for me is just getting my ass out the door as soon as I wake up and get my walk in. Then black coffee until my first meal around lunch time which I make sure is high in protein. My protein goal every day is 200g

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