Help. I need more strenght and more gains. 3yo of lifting

@tinilildiva lol. :)
I didn't answer cause there isnt an advice to the short term. But I agree with you, time is necessary.
My question is how to don't waste mine in the gym
@ajdlga Ha ha, ok.

I would still take the long view though. No time in the gym is a waste of time. A really fundamental concept that most people don't understand is that the most important thing is the time put in, not the specific routine. The details of the routine don't really matter.
@ajdlga Truth is that maybe your genetics suck. Could happen. Try progressing in strength, muscles should come along. If not, consider being very lean and being the skinny ripped guy if you cant get super big, although I dont think you are near your potential. Maybe you just arent trying to add weight
@dmarks In fact, my key could be become stronger.
Someone said that the doping for natty is strenght. But wich method in your opinion?
Something in very low reps (2, 3 near 90% 1rm) or working with 80% 1rm? New theory talks about this and it seems working with 80% is pretty good, without the risk of exhausting the snc.
@ajdlga It's funny, I'm the same height, weight, bf%, but have about 40-50kg more on all the lifts. My genetics sucks too.

Do you only lift 3 times a week? Maybe that's the reason you're not getting better? I lift 6-7 times a week, for example heavy bench press 4 times / week, with good results.
@dawn16 I think (I think, I'm not sure) I'm hardgainer.
I tried to workout 5/6 times/week, but the effect seems of pump, not of chronical hypertrophy.
I read a lot and the only thing I agree with bb literature is mechanic load. But if I train bench press 4 times a week, how can the muscle rest?
I studied that muscle needs 48 hours to restore glycogen etc, and it should be trained every 2/3 days (this is why std routine that train once a week sucks 4 natty or 4 non super genetic)
As we have similar features, can you post your workout? I'm curious, ty a lot
@ajdlga I'm currently on smolov jr for bench press. Works well for me, and it's 4 times a week.

I think you must start working serious, since your easy gains are over.
@sandra88 I tried 1 hours ago the DC:
My workout had been:

Chest: pek dek 190lbs, 9 4 2
Wide grip lat pull down 143lbs 11 4 2
Barbell curls 44lbs 15 8 5 (I have to add weight next time)
Hammer curl 26lbs 8 4 3
Leg press 4x8 418lbs + 1x20 286lbs

(I mixed workout A e B, I know)

Question: A reddit member said, in this post, that total set 4 muscle has to be 20 a week. With DC training with A B A, B A B (or ABA1B1) sets are 2.
I feel good and exhaust after exercise, but now it seemes my body is perfect (exeption leg, they hurt me). How can it work?
@ajdlga Going to failure and getting proper rest is a big part of it. I was spinning my wheels working out 5+ times/week, but finally saw results when I dialed it back to 3 workouts/week and really focusing on getting enough rest.
@sandra88 I agree.
But doing 3 set of 8, 4 and 2 reps with a weight that allows you 8 reps is too little imho.

8 reps are 75/80% 1 rm, so you train muscle with 30reps in a week, with 6 sets.
I agree with proper rest, but I've never understood going to failure in the first exercise.
Today, by training chest, I went to failure with 8reps, 15/20'' rest, 4 reps, rest, and 2 reps. 3 sets to failure. Real failure.

But after 10 minuts I was able to do 20 push ups.
Now my chest doesn't hurt to me, it isn't pumped, I feel I didn't work on it.

Btw I'll try this wo, I'm in a state of mind that if someone told me to do 200 sets of dl I would do them.

But my question is, It wouldn't be better doing 5x7/8 with the same weight, twice a week? And get to failure only the last 2 sets?

Ty 4 your opinion