@sandra88 I agree.
But doing 3 set of 8, 4 and 2 reps with a weight that allows you 8 reps is too little imho.
8 reps are 75/80% 1 rm, so you train muscle with 30reps in a week, with 6 sets.
I agree with proper rest, but I've never understood going to failure in the first exercise.
Today, by training chest, I went to failure with 8reps, 15/20'' rest, 4 reps, rest, and 2 reps. 3 sets to failure. Real failure.
But after 10 minuts I was able to do 20 push ups.
Now my chest doesn't hurt to me, it isn't pumped, I feel I didn't work on it.
Btw I'll try this wo, I'm in a state of mind that if someone told me to do 200 sets of dl I would do them.
But my question is, It wouldn't be better doing 5x7/8 with the same weight, twice a week? And get to failure only the last 2 sets?
Ty 4 your opinion