@trying2better Okay, I'll give you a write down why it's bad since you're on it. If I can get one less person doing the mistakes I did (because of ignorant people on reddit telling me to basically) I'll be happy.
SL has you doing 3x squat a week, 1.5x deadlift a week, but only 1.5x bench a week. So more than 2x lowerbody work compared to upperbody. Upperbody recovers easier, so why would you train it less? Benchpress is also a lift that benefits greatly from volume (more sets, more sessions), so limiting it that greatly will leave you like it leaves all SS / SL lifters, with a shitty bench and okay squat / DL.
With only 7.5reps of deadlifts a week, you'll
never get good at deadlifting. And once you finally swap program, you're basically starting from scratch (except, you got strong, so you've built a shitty movement pattern from lack of training, this takes months or years to fix).
Then there's the (imo) biggest issue. The mindset issue. It says increase weights by 2.5kg a training session, so +7.5kg to squat 5rm per week. This is ludicrously unsustainable. If it were sustainable you'd be hitting 400kg squats for 5x5 in a year. You won't. And then you'll read about people online who say I got to 140kg 5x5 before I stalled, or I got to 180kg deadlift 1x5 before I stalled. Etc. And you'll think "I can get there too". But you won't. After your first stall, you'll never increase properly again without swapping program. For 99% of the people this is in less than two months. But you'll still think I cna do more, I can do more, just reset weights by 10% and try again, and again, and again. All of a sudden it's 1 year later and you haven't put on more than 10kg on your squat. But you've gained a few injuries from going 10 RPE every workout session. You're also mentally exhausted from having to psyche yourself up for every set (since every set is RPE 10 grinders).
Meanwhile, you haven't put on any noticeable musclemass, since you haven't had any volume
at all, so you're still looking like you did after 2 months of training.
Basically, it's a 1000times better thinking of training over long term. There's not need to get that 100kg squat in 2 months, when you can get it in 5 and be bigger, healthier, 10000times better form (so more gains over time), and better mentally prepared for weekly / monthly increases.
I've coached 4 women (2 of them over 50 years). One of the older hit 100kgx10 deadlift in 3 months of training with me. The other benches 80kg atm. I've coached 3 men, the strongest I've worked with a year and he's got a 440kg total. None have used SS / SL.