Help me fix this pull day

@maxmillianmichieli Hard to say what can and can’t fit into your life. But if you are running push pull legs only one cycle per week, if you want to cut down gym time per session you could add more days. Make a 4 day push pull legs arms or even arms/shoulders. Or do a 5 day bro split(I know this is a bad word around here). Everyone is on the frequency train and will tell you to hit things more than once, but if you are just hitting everything once per week anyway, might as well bro split.
Or do a 5 day bro split(I know this is a bad word around here).

Yeah, lol, definitely 😂😂😂 But I don't think that I (not any natural lifter) needs that much volume per muscle to do a bro split.

I'm prone to an shoulders&arms day, and even I could then mix chest with back and go full Arnold style, but that's something I need to look more in depth.
@maxmillianmichieli Bro split doesn’t mean more volume. Just that the volume is on one day, which you are already doing with 11(14 if you count lower back) sets of back on one day. If you were doing 2 times a week you’d split that up.

I’d say your basically doing a worse version of a bro split. By only training each muscle group once a week but also throwing more muscles in after a big once per week volume session. Not being able to give the “secondary” muscles as much emphasis since you hit back so hard.

I don’t think switching to Arnold and throwing 11 back sets with potentially 11 chest sets will solve your problem of being in the gym too long.

But I’d say the solution however you decide to split the volume up is do more days if you want each session to be shorter. It’s just basic math really, you have X minimum sets you need per week. If you have less Y days to do them in, you have more sets per day.
@vaden30 Bro split is meant to introduce more volume per body part, in the form of prioritising heavy exercises that bias the muscles of that day and then doing more isolation. For example, in shoulder day, military press and upright rows are maybe the two main heavy compounds, where in a PPL or an Upper/Lower, they're secondary or even more relegated. Or French press and barbell curls as heavy main exercises in an arm day.

I’d say your basically doing a worse version of a bro split.

Yeah, it's a good definition.

with potentially 11 chest sets

Slightly less. Chest is not that big and complex.

I have in mind some things. One being using the push day as an upper day and introducing some of the exercises supersetted. Other is creating a separate day for shoulders and arms. Other simply removing one of the rows/vertical tractions and alternating it. But this will only reduce the thing by 15 minutes or so at best.
@maxmillianmichieli Just because something gets classified as a “main heavy exercise” doesn’t mean it’s more volume. If you do 6 sets of biceps on a pull day and 6 sets on an arm day it’s the same volume. You just are able to give them more energy since they are the main movement. You aren’t going to do more volume.

Except most of the time a bro split is compared to a split that does a body part 2 days like 2 pull days at 6 sets so you do 12 on the arms day. So yeah in your case you could probably do an arm day and give them a little more sets
@maxmillianmichieli If you finished your upper back cable rows with horizontal shrugs you could remove the need for barbell shrugs. You could remove either the single arm cable row or the close grip pulldown as they are very close to being the same movement so that would limit redundancy. And if you really wanted to cut down on time you could just do the single arm pullover with both arms if you’re resting between either side(which is recommended)
@liz123 No, you justa have to watch someone shirtless perform both movements with good technique from a side view to realize it's not the same. Close grip rows totally bias the upper lats, and close grip pulldowns put the most important part of the movement's tension on the most vertical fibers of the lats.