Help me pick a workout!


New member
I am tall and skinny (193 cm/6.3 ft and 74 kg), 17 y.o. Been lost in the workouts lately and odnt know how to pick one suitable for my situation, I can go up to 6 times a week if needed. Thanks in advance
@araz I just wanted to know if you even had access to a gym. Good stuff. I would just start with a 5x5 plan to get you used to compound movements. Buff dudes have a 5x5 plan that's super easy to get into but here's a mock up.

Barbell bench press 5x5/
Barbell back squat 5x5 /
Pull ups 3 sets to failure/
Ez bar curls 3x10 /
Cable rope pushdowns 3x15/

Barbell overhead press 5x5/
Bent over barbell row 5x5/
Chest dips 3 sets to failure /
Incline dumbbell curls 3x10/
Ez bar skullcrushers 3x15 /

Barbell deadlift or front squat 5x5/
Seated leg press 5x5 /
Wide grip cable Lat pulldowns 3x15/
Seated or lying leg curls 3x15 /
Seated or standing calf raises 4x10 /

This is a decent start to a beginner program that will get you doing compound movements as well as adding in some basic bodybuilding exercises. You can use this or check out any 5x5 program on the internet. My personal favourite is the buff dudes program.
@unikue But isn't this more about strength? I heard hypertrophy needs 12 reps of medium weight. Since I am skinny I need hypertrophy workout. And yes I am the other guy u gave me advice about the workout this morning
@araz Ohh haha. You already have a workout you posted. I see what you're saying now. That being said don't think about rep ranges too hard. I was 130lbs when I started working out. I started with a 5x5 full body program similar to this one. It started the building blocks to my progress. Now I'm 190lbs of pure muscle with low body fat. Don't let being skinny alter how you train. It actually doesn't matter. Just remember to eat enough food when you train. Good luck!
@araz I'm not sure what "I'm skinny I need hypertrophy means." That's false and a misconception. Sets of 5 doing compounds will put on size. If you don't want to be skinny, this will help you not be skinny. You also have hypertrophy exercises for sets of 15 in this.

Honestly rep ranges aren't all that important. Hitting it hard in the gym is most important. People get way to caught up in rep ranges and their body types. It doesn't matter. If you want to build muscle and strength you have to do big compound exercises.

If you absolutely hate low rep stuff then do the compounds to sets of 10 or 15. It doesn't matter as long as you're doing them.

Also if you just do small isolation exercises for 20 or more reps you won't be doing hardly anything.