help me please


New member
Age: 18, M

Weight: 135

Goal: 125 without much muscles or 135 with muscles but body should be lean

Height: 5'5"

BF%: ?

Resting BMR: 1630

weight training 3/4x a week, intense cardio 3/4x a week

workouts: WORKOUT (not trying to be buff but be lean also its a work in progrss but i love it)

Total Average daily used calories: 2000 on weights day, and 3760 on cardio days (i ride xc mtb and usually go for like 25 mile rides so i just count these as cardio idk if its something else tho)

Consuming calories: 1200

Diet: I eat anything that would be under 300 calories per meal and i have four "meals" ; 35% proteins, 35% carbs, 30% fats daily

i was really fat for my mind (160) like 2 months ago, (i know i didnt loose much but i really started being motivated around a month ago and lost major weight then like 18lbs worth) but i was always more on the active side and strong cardio wise but i ate really horribly like 4000 calories a day of pure junky food, but i changed that up to around 900-1500 calories of healthy stuff. i just wanted to know if i should continue with this caloric deficit to reach around 125 lbs or if i should eat more. like my goal is to be lean, my weight workout is really good IMO, it attacks all muscles groups and if i dont feel like i did enough i would progressive overload ( ex: three months ago i could only do 5 pull up bearly with bad form and now i could do around 20 with proper form and fully locked out arms.) What do i change to be leaner while not being on a hard deficit. Also can yall help me with my workouts i want to be over with them asap but i want to hit every muscle once. like i feel i have workouts that are too similar and are a waste of time, so i could up the reps on the one i like better. Also am i missing any workouts that would be necessary.

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