Help structuring macros


New member
Hey everyone, I’m looking for some help with my cut. Im 31 a Y.O M Currently 5’8 250. If I’m probably sitting at 30% body fat. I know I need to cut. Idk how to structure my macros for said cut. My ultimate goal is to compete. Would appreciate help and tips.
@kishanugen Figure out your TDEE, calculate a 500 calorie deficit to start, then figure out protein. 1g/lb of fat free mass (or 1g/lb of goal weight) should do it. Carbs and fat as otherwise works for you, so long as you aren’t dipping below say 50g of fat. There’s other ways to do it of course, but this will give you a pretty good start.
@kishanugen 220 is a solid intermediate goal. You’ll probably ultimately need to get under 190 to compete. I’m your height and competed at 190, but I’m also on TRT now and did Men’s Physique. No upper limit on fat, really, just depends on how much you need carbs to function/have energy. Also, you will want to eat your veggies, which do have carbs.
@dawn16 Thanks for that. I’m glad that I’m on point with my intermediary goal. I was playing around with the math and was thinking’s the same number for competition weight. Do you use Chronometer? I’m trying to not miss setting the app up right lol.
@kishanugen I’ve heard good things about Chronometer but I use macrofactor, which I do recommend. Fwiw, if you’re natural and compete in regular BB, you’ll probably need to get lower than 190. You’ll need to be super lean and probably won’t hold as much mass and water as I do at that weight (if for no other reason than that I’m on TRT).
@kishanugen I use Cronometer and I love it. I’ve tried the others including Macrofactor, but I keep coming back to Crono. I will say, though, that I’m pretty comfortable adjusting my own macros. Macrofactor is better if you actually need coaching and aren’t comfortable with adjusting your own macros.
@kagenonikki There’s a lot of options going on with Crono, but I like it. I’ve just been playing around with it.

I set my macros manually:
protein:220 (goal weight, per @haley009’s advice).

Carbs: 218

Fat: 65

I’m iffy on the amount of fat tbh. Do I want to hit that every day?

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