[Help] Too much froth with whey in blender - Is it normal or am I wasting Whey?


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I like to blend whey with Fruits to make it taste good. I recently purchased A.M.U.L whey and this is my first try. I blended the whey with Muskmelon cubes , water and lactose free milk in a mixie.

Almost half the blender jar got filled with this froth. It was not reducing either. There was some liquid at the bottom of the blender jar. Is the froth whey ? Am I throwing whey down the drain here ? I can't drink the froth . Froth doesn't settled down either.

Please share tweaks to be made to my shake prep method.


Issue Resolved
@praiseourlourd I was apprehensive about buying the Amul Whey after reading posts like these on this sub, but I bit the bullet and bought it.

This problem has been blown out of proportion by users who don’t use a shaker. Yes, it does form a lot of foam after shaking but you know what the solution is for this? JUST WAIT FOR 2 MINUTES. The foam settles down in less than two minutes after shaking. If the foam does not settle down, it might be because you have added extra fruits/stuff in it. If you do not like the taste of unflavoured whey then buy something with a flavour. It is because of people like OP that we cannot have nice things without any emulsifiers or additives.

They complain and complain without doing their own research or due diligence and then the company has to add extra additives/agents/emulsifiers just so that people do not have this “problem”

I will give you an example: Look at most jars of peanut butter, it is written in big bold letters on most of them ‘Separation of Oil is normal, do not be alarmed’ BUT, since people don’t read or do their own research, they complained about it to companies and now Kissan, which is a huge FMCG brand offers all of their peanut butter mixed with Vegetable oil and rapeseed oil, just because it prevents that oil separation phenomenon. So now, the peanut butter that I wanted to have only peanuts has added vegetable and rapeseed oil along with other additives to balance out its taste.
@praiseourlourd Use a shaker, it doesn't have any anti foaming agent's it will foam a lot

Yep you are wasting some amount of whey

Grind those melon, melon and milk first

Add powder in 100 ml of water/milk in shaker shake it
Add melon and milk grind, shake a little bit if any foam wait for a few minutes

Amul raw whey is definitely a big no for blender

Foaming is a natural property of whey it's part of the milk that foam
@praiseourlourd Just have whey in a glass with water. It doesnt take too much effort for cleaning.
Put the whey in the glass first pour a lil water and stir fast then add the rest of the water.