Help w/ choosing a 45 minute workout program


New member
So turns out I only have 45 minutes in the morning starting next week to get a good workout in. Was trying to build muscle and shred some fat. About 30 and have on/off 8 year experience due to work schedule. Does anyone advice what program to best use to reach my goals in my new allotted time frame?
@juliajaygrey If You can dedicate six days then I'd recommend looking into Christian Thibaudeau's best damn workout plan on tnation. It's push/pull style, 4 exercises each day, only 3 sets per exercise ( 2 feelers and one all out), with a huge focus on intensity techniques. Will have you in and out of the gym in less than 45 minutes easily.
@japle Was just about to say this too! I struggle for time in the evenings and this programme works so well, as long as you keep up the intensity
@juliajaygrey look into "myo reps"
there are yt videos by Sean Nalewanyj and Geoffrey Verity Schofield explaining it in detail. it'll help you cut down your training time significantly
@juliajaygrey Antagonist compound supersets are your friend.

Example, bent over row to bench press

Highly suggest looking up Brian Alsrue on YouTube if you don’t know him already. Superset everything and prepare to die. You’ll build muscle, burn fat, build up your cardio capacity and most importantly, not waste any time.

It’ll be rough at first doing huge supersets aka giant sets but you’ll get used to it. It’s brutal though so not for the faint of heart.

Good luck
@juliajaygrey I've been doing Mike Mentzers routine outlined in his book High Intensity Training for a little while and loving the results.

Basically you lift every 4 days to start and add rest days if you ever plateau because his theory is that you should never plateau and if you are it's because you didn't rest enough.

Three exercises per workout. Mostly compound lifts. Two quick warmup sets and then one working set all out.

It's a bit controversial here because it's really low volume and high rest. But the theory is that it stimulates growth better than anything