Hi! Looking to alter my routine bulking to cutting


New member
Below is my routine taken from this guide

Background: I've gained 12 kg (26.5 lbs) in the past 3 months, and since I had a 2 yr break from any gym activity before coming back (with previous on and off experience working out since 2018), I regained my working weights pretty quick, (35 kg to 60 kg bench press, not much, but good progress) but I think it's time to cut already. I expect my progress to stall from what I remember, but my clothes are only held together by prayer at the seams, soooo....about time.

Goals: Nothing outstanding really. Put on as much muscle mass during bulking stage as possible and retain as much as possible when cutting.

I have a vanishing memory of what it takes in terms of workout routine when cutting. Circuit training? At least 40 min cardio to start with? Is there a good guide or really any text to read on that? What to add/remove? What to leave? What to look for except calorie intake and numbers on the scale? Should there be a gap between bulking and cutting?

Any help appreciated, HNY folks

p.s.: i mixed up THU and FRI, different order. Upper-Lower-Upper-Lower


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