High protein shake for under 600 calories


New member
I also have a high protein shake I drink in the morning. The stuff you need for it costs roughly 30$ but will last one month or longer

2 cups of soy milk 16g p
2 serving of PB2 16g p
1 serving of super foods blend (can find at Walmart in the baking isle) 6g p
one serving of plant based protein 20g p
One banana 2ish G protein

Add everything to a blender, bend and enjoy. The banana and pb2 have strong flavors so it won’t taste to much like the powders but you could also add some agave nectar or cocoa powder to add some sweetness.

The main ingredients above come out to 570 calories give or take some but it isn’t over 600 calories for the shake and it’s just under 60 grams of protein.
@cbraden816 Ohhh is it recipe time? Here is one of my common high-protein breakfast smoothies.

30 g rice protein + 30 g Plant Fusion (cookies and cream flavor)

1 cup unsweetened soy milk

1 medium banana

100 g blueberries

1 Brazil nut

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp cacao powder

8 oz spinach

That's 680 calories, 67 g protein, 26 g fiber, 4 g omega-3s.

It's also 100%+ of B6, folate, A, K, Copper, Iron, Manganese, and Selenium.

It's also 50%+ of B2, C, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Sodium.
@cbraden816 I'm jealous of people that can eat 600 calories in a meal. I have to stay around 1200-1400 a day to drop weight so one meal that big would destroy me. But great job making a shake that fits your needs. :)
@doelight In a similar way I'm jealous too, I'm trying to gain weight and if any of my main meals are less than 8-900 calories I'll drop weight. Not fun since I'm trying to eat 3000+ calories of clean quality food a day!
@cbraden816 Just so you're aware, consuming that much protein at once is NOT healthy for you and is damaging to your kidneys and liver. Men can only absorb up to 35 grams of protein per serving, women can only absorb 24 grams. As cool as it is that you were able to put that much protein into one shake, it's not helpful or necessary.
consuming that much protein at once is NOT healthy for you and is damaging to your kidneys

High protein intake does not damage kidney function.

Men can only absorb up to 35 grams of protein per serving, women can only absorb 24 grams

No, there is no theoretical limit to how much protein can be absorbed, only how much can be utilized for muscle building (excess protein will be burned for energy). The current estimate of protein utilization for muscle building does not depend on gender but only body weight and is 0.4 g/kg per meal.
consuming that much protein at once is NOT healthy for you and is damaging to your kidneys and liver

Wrong. https://examine.com/nutrition/can-eating-too-much-protein-be-bad-for-you/

Men can only absorb up to 35 grams of protein per serving, women can only absorb 24 grams.

Wrong. https://examine.com/nutrition/how-much-protein-can-you-eat-in-one-sitting/

"In a study done on women, consumption of more than 54g of protein in a single meal versus across four meals resulted in no differences." https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/130/7/1700/4686246

"The same researchers found that a single high protein meal was actually more effective in a population of elderly women." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10357740

More reading: http://www.nutritiontactics.com/measure-muscle-protein-synthesis/#71_Amount_of_protein
@dawn16 Thanks for your insight! The science is all over the place on the topic of protein per meal and what’s useful and what’s not. if you would prefer to adhere to multiple small meals with evenly dispersed protein throughout the day that’s cool! you could take this recipe and serve yourself half of it in the morning and the other half before bed 🛌. I for one have always only eaten 2 meals per day. My shake around 1 or so (post intermittent fast/ workout) and my second meal around 6 splitting my daily protein needs in half. I’ve done this for around three years and have never seen a loss of strength or performance in the gym (improving weekly). At the end of the day we can research and research but it all comes down to what works best for the individual.