highly increased appetite - what now?


New member
Hi, please help me. I started new antidepressants last week and my appetite is now literally three times bigger. I am 23F, 55kg/120lb, 162cm/5’3, 36 body fat percentage (or every tanita i’ve ever tried is broken), dry muscle mass 19-20kg, so as you see, i’m an extreme skinny fat. To this moment I aimed for 1650 kcal a day + fitness classes twice or three times a week (cardio+strength training with barbells and dumbbells) plus average of 7-8k steps a day, and i felt great, actually sometimes even i felt too full and i ate only 1,4k. But now I’m afraid I can’t go any lower than 1,8k. I will try, but it’s extremely hard, as I eat big meals every 1,5-2h. Of course I nutrition good, 110
@elove1 Progressive overloading, if you can go in the morning and do 20min of cardio 20min of lifting an focusing on all muscle groups throughout the week while keeping protein around 1g per lbs of body weight, you should bring your bf% down to low to mid 20s. Your protein intake isn’t right, if you can eat big meals every 90min to 2hrs, shoot for even higher protein like half of your plate. You should be full for at least 2hrs without wanting to even think about food. Oh also fiber from veggies is very important, I snack on carrots sometimes wait 30min before deciding I really need to eat or not.

Don’t forget to stretch for 10-15min after working out, you don’t need more than 4-5hrs a week at the gym to achieve your goals. Always aim for getting a good night’s sleep.
@elove1 I’d recommend some low cal snacks that aren’t calorically dense that you eat throughout the day. I also encourage walks if your schedule allows it. Have your lunch break be a walk. I draft emails on walks so I can be working but moving.
@elove1 u can trick ur brain by doing some r/Volumeeating, for example veggie soups and salads are my favorite. 1kg salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, carrots) can be less than 300 calories, 500g of veggie soup (i do cabbage, onion, carrot, beet) comes up at around 90 calories. since these are mostly veggie based, u will have to either add protein (chicken breast/feta/egg to salads, or make chicken broth based soups) or get protein from different meals.

if ur goal is muscle gain - lift weights with split which works best for u. u have to choose and follow same program progressively overloading (increasing reps and/or weight over time), lifting close to failure. low to moderate weights will get u some gains initially, but will stagnate quickly as muscle needs stimulus to grow. cardio is great, but since u want to see muscle growth, it is best to minimize cardio and do it only when u have time and energy for it. it's about priorities, if u want muscle growth - put ur energy into lifting, weight loss/cardio related goals such as marathons - focus on cardio. and u will be hungry regardless of how u choose to train because of medicine u taking