Homegym Discord


New member

My name is Alex a.k.a "Brick" from the r/HomeGym Discord community.

I reached out via mod mail and was approved to post here so first and foremost thank you to the extremely supportive mod team here. The help means the world to us.

About three days ago one of our moderators wiped outour server and we need to rebuild from the ground up.

I'm reaching out to advertise our terrific community. Imagine if your sub was wiped off the internet overnight, that's where we are now. We had two years and 11k people almost all of which is completely gone.

We have a considerable amount of community tied to dieting and programming. Most importantly, we host large scale online powerlifting meets every 6 months, as well as smaller competitions in between. This is because we have a lot of powerlifters but if we have enough cross fitters we'd love to host an open style meet too. We are truly a community and support it however we can

For those that don't know, Discord is a chat medium (think Slack, Teams) but with more focus on community building. Our format compliments reddit's very well.

In addition to the above our membership pool includes social media influencers and representatives from some of the top brands (Kabuki, Rep, American Barbell, BeltFedStrength, RepOne Strength, and many others.)

Our medium provides an opportunity to you and your sub to directly interact with other enthusiasts and manufacturers alike.

Please join via this link: Discord.gg/homegym and post a question if you need help

@minixjt My absolute favorite place to convince myself I need a new shiny piece of expensive equipment I didn't know existed 30 seconds prior!
@minixjt Oh my god I made the list!!!! Truly a hugely loving and supportive community. I was settled in for a lengthy depression when I thought it may be gone forever. Thank you for letting us get the word out! Come join us!
@minixjt Community is top notch!
I have tried numerous other lifting discords and they pale in comparison. Lots of very cool people willing to help with form, lifting content constantly being posted, and home gym photos/DIYs.

This community has helped me reach new heights I felt I would never revisit let alone surpass!

There is also a degree of maturity I appreciate…IE: Not riddled with bro-trolls and the like.

@minixjt Legit one of the best hobby communities out there. The discord is an amazing resource and you might make a friend or two from lifting events the server hosts periodically if you’re interested in that. Seriously one of the most engaged discords I've been in, shit's just fun.

Okay I’m done shilling, join the discord
@minixjt For what it's worth, it was the most reliable place to know when C2s were in stock during 2020-21 and when good options drop in the boneyard section or even the grab bag drop that occurred in December.
@minixjt Can't recommend this discord enough. I built my entire home gym at the peak of the pandemic via the people and tools there. Beyond that, the breadth of fitness, nutrition, and life knowledge is incomparable.

There's something for everyone. Come check it out. I bet you have a good time.
