How bad can i expect the loose skin to be ?


New member
Everybody have this good tranformation i have one too but its exactly from opposite.Gonna be 20 soon iam young but iam still worried about my loose skin. Currently working out on loosing fat and my end goal is 80 kg or 175 pounds like i was, while right now iam at 286 pounds 184cm tall. Got deppresed and i have gained around 50 kgs of fat,110 pounds in 2 years time and my body got fucking ruined.From veins on chest i have now saggy man tits and big stomach with stretch marks. Still can move pretty good at least some muscle stayed under all that fat,can ran fast,lift big so lossing weight should not be issue.I was shredded and muscular before. As you can see on the photos my before and after . Will i have loose skin ? Mainly on the chest and under armpits. Horrible fat around there very bloated and saggy they are literally flying around when i walk lol. Is there any way to prevent it ? How fast should i loose all the weight ? A year ? A half year ? Months ?
@saved123 Since you haven't been overweight that long, I think it should be fine. Skin is very adaptable. I just lost 15kg i 6 weeks from basically eating just lentil soups and salad. And I'm starting to look like before. I think if you train that might help as well. Just my two cents.
@trivialator Lentils soup is so amazing for weight loss, it’s very nutritious, keeps you full and it’s easy to cook and prep meal (just make one large pot and divide it into one bowl sized portions, they keep well in the freezer so if you want to commit you’ll be cooking once a week but have access to one serving of lentils soup everyday of the week which is doable because it’s also very very delicious.
@trivialator I was with you at first then you lost me lol, I’ve never seen anyone add flour to lentils soups, why are you doing that?

And in case you’re curious this is how I make mine: caramelize one medium onion in a bit of cooking oil (could be olive oil or any vegetable oil), after that add in a minced medium sized tomato, a small carrot and one small potato (the potatoe is to make the soup thick, I wonder if that’s what you’re adding the flour for because it would have the same effect)...and then of course add around 500 grams of lentils and let it cook until it’s soft and thick.
@jesusisaliveforever I've seen roux being used for thickening lentil soup quite often, and the flavor of cooked butter and flour is incredible in lentil soup. By all means keep with your recipe its healthier, but I love a simple onions, carrots, and potatos lentil soup, simmered until lentils are cooked through, then broken down just a bit with an immersion blender and roux. Elevates everything that I find good about lentil soup.
@jesusisaliveforever Yeah the flour is mainly for thickening but if you brown it enough, it gives an earthy and smoky taste that I associate with lentil soup since childhood (I am from Turkey and I think this is somewhat common there).

Your version sounds great during a cut period!
@trivialator lentils fiber helps you feel satiated during the day, which helps you to control your diet by not eating unnecessary things around.

i think it's a good balance of carbs and protein as a base for different dishes. complementing it with more protein sources and different vegetables makes it really easy to cook healthy dishes. specially if you are trying to hit certain ratios of macros. it's not just soups, you can make salads and other stuff too.
@saved123 I'm on a weight loss journey at the moment. Started in the mid 250s and now mid 220s. Losing 1-2lbs per week. I still have a good 30-40lbs to lose. But no loose skin at all yet.

Take it slow, eat a lot of protein and exercise daily with 2-3 days of resistance training. No guarantee that loose skin won't happen. I've heard of surgery being done to remove excess skin but don't even worry about that for now. Getting to a healthy weight should be your primary concern. If you have some loose skin, think of it as a badge of honor.
@carp614 thanks for the sentiment there but bro if i could even afford or be able to have surgery in next 5 Years in my country i would be very suprised. I would be devastated mentally and i cant even understand how somebody can learn to be proud of that skin. I get that it is showing the work you put into but man, to never experience nice body even when you work for it ?
@saved123 Honestly, I think you're dwelling a bit too much on the loose skin thing. You're already unhappy at your current weight and body shape, right?
Start with the positives, which is making sustainable eating and fitness habits. Using loose skin as an excuse for not trying is not going to get you anywhere or make you any happier.

My humble advice to you is just try it. You can stop at any time. But think about where you want to be and how you can get there. Progress is not a straight line on a chart.
@carp614 no no bro bcs iam worried about loose skin, or find it very fucking disqusting and depressing that doesnt mean that will stop me :D iam absolutely loosing weight. I am just very scared of never looking like i want to and having mental problems bcs of it
@saved123 Just take it one step at a time. No need to get worked up over it now. Focus on your goals. If loose skin happens, it won't be overnight.

Sending some good vibes your way. You will succeed and I'm sure you will be happy with your results.