how bad does this sound?


New member
Hey all im new to fitness little backstory first i was always fat highschool like 225lbs around 6ft, decided to make a dumb dessions and do a giant calori defficet (i know worst way to do it) and did a shit load of walking to losse my fat, by summer grade 12 i did it and was happy and have been able to maintain it. curently i am 24 6ft 2 170 lbs, and super lanky and not much muscle, but people say with my build and frame if i hit the gym id have potential for massive growth. so currently last 2 weeks this has been my fast "program" if you can call it that let me know what you think

Keep in mind dieit is undercontroll and eating clean and daily protein intake is 0.9 grams per 100

Weights 3 days a week (1 hr each sesion)

Monday (X Days)- Extremidies (arms and legs)

Tuesday (Chest And Back)

Wednessday shoulders

Thursday Rest

Friday Rest

Saturday Sunday Core again 20-30 min a day

Wednessday ( Legs and core)

Daily Walking/joging aiming for 12500 steps a day ( Around 10km a day)

Daily biking/cycling low gear ( fast peddling non stop but easy to pedle) 10km A day

Daily swiming 1 hour just fun in the pool no routine really tbh

So what do you guys think would this have potential for results if i put my mind too it like i have for past 2 weeks with consistantcy? again my goal is to jsut gain some mussle while staying lean and toned, my goal is not a body builder physique. thank you