How can i improve my calisthenics workouts?


New member
I train 4-5 times a week. I usually do 5 exercises for 3-4 sets and 10-15 reps each. For example on legs: 4 x 15 jump squats 3 x 15 glute bridge 3 x 15 single leg calf raises (15 reps per side) 3 x 1 min wall sit 3 x 15 donkey kick (15 reps per leg)

Is this a good plan or am i undertraining? Ive seen progress in strength and abilities - for example i can hold an L sit, a handstand for ab 5 secs and can do 1-2 pullups with perfect form after about 5 months of calisthenics However im trying to recomp and build lean muscle, and i feel like i havent seen any changes in my body? Not sure if this affects anything but i practice volleyball 1-2 times a week and do track once a week aswell

Advice? How can I improve my sessions?