New member
@mikelore Repeating many shared thoughts here, but I’ll distill them down as I usually do to my members.
1) You celebrate your fitness level now, recognize you’re much better and don’t have to disrupt the habits, patterns and lifestyle/cycle that have gotten you there. (Stay in the pocket, nothing wrong with this!).
2) You focus in on one of areas you want to improve - say strength - and make it your primary focus. And I don’t mean 60/40 strength to CrossFit training, we’re talking moreso 85/15. Drop the gut busting, exhausting metcons and build up a big base of strength and then get back into CrossFit more concertedly. This may necessitate a change of gym if the programming/facilities etc aren’t able to provide the necessary stimulus (talk to your coaches). This is a tough one, because it can get you away from the elements that brought you today’s fitness level. [You can do the same with the max output V02 training, but I do find that’s easier to build in order to maintain within the CF environment].
3) Truly reevaluate your nutrition/recovery/effort with a critical lens and bring in a 3rd party perspective to see where efficiencies can be squeezed. I routinely find members feeling like they’re doing all the can and they’re deficient by multiple grams of protein day over day, only sleep 6 hours a night or have an insanely stressful “rest of life” that’s frying their ability to recover! Nothing in life operates in a silo.
1) You celebrate your fitness level now, recognize you’re much better and don’t have to disrupt the habits, patterns and lifestyle/cycle that have gotten you there. (Stay in the pocket, nothing wrong with this!).
2) You focus in on one of areas you want to improve - say strength - and make it your primary focus. And I don’t mean 60/40 strength to CrossFit training, we’re talking moreso 85/15. Drop the gut busting, exhausting metcons and build up a big base of strength and then get back into CrossFit more concertedly. This may necessitate a change of gym if the programming/facilities etc aren’t able to provide the necessary stimulus (talk to your coaches). This is a tough one, because it can get you away from the elements that brought you today’s fitness level. [You can do the same with the max output V02 training, but I do find that’s easier to build in order to maintain within the CF environment].
3) Truly reevaluate your nutrition/recovery/effort with a critical lens and bring in a 3rd party perspective to see where efficiencies can be squeezed. I routinely find members feeling like they’re doing all the can and they’re deficient by multiple grams of protein day over day, only sleep 6 hours a night or have an insanely stressful “rest of life” that’s frying their ability to recover! Nothing in life operates in a silo.