How can I improve my PPL split.


New member
So my current split is PPL going 6 days a week and I want to add a day 1 and day 2 but don’t know what workouts to do on day 1 vs day 2. Here is my current split and figured yall would know how to properly fix it

Push day-
Bench press 3x 10-12
Incline bench 3x10-12
Pec deck 3x10-12
Machine shoulder press 2 x 10-12
Tricep press down 3x10-12
Overhead extension 3x10-12
Machine laterl raises 2 x 10-12

Pull day
lat pulldown 3 x 10-12
Assisted pull-ups 2x failure
Machine row 3x10-12
One arm lat pulldown 3 x 10-12
Reverse pec deck 2 x 10-12
Hammer curls 2 x 10-12
Preacher curls 2x 10-12

Squat 3x10-12 ( last set heavy weight 3-4 reps)
Leg press 3 x 12-15

Leg curls 3 x 10-12

Leg extension 2 x 10-12

Seated calf raises 3x 10-12

Ab crunch 2x failure
Leg raises 2x failure
@elizabeth63 If I was you I’d have a look for a programme on Boostcamp or lift vault. That’s not to say don’t write something for yourself in the future. But I think it’s worth learning what other people do and what works well to make sure you know what your options are before trying yourself.

Nothing you’ve put here so far is unreasonable, but you’ve missed some opportunities by using the same workouts both halves of the week, and by sticking with the same rep ranges and sets for the majority of your work. It’s also not entirely clear how you plan to progress your work based on what you’ve written.