How do I prepare myself for “going to the gym”?


New member
I’ve been out of shape my whole ass life, I skipped a lot of P.E. In school to go smoke weed with buddy’s and as a result I don’t know the first thing about exercising, my main question is how do I formulate a weekly routine of going to the gym, let alone what exercises I should do when I get there… I’m 22 male 150 lbs, not very strong, have like no shoulder muscle. I don’t want to commit to building myself up if I’m going to do it haphazardly.
@1yugioh 1) don't overthink it, just go
2) nobody in the gym gives a rat ass about you , 99.9% are busy with thier workout.
3) focus on building the habit, eventually everything else will come together.
4) enjoy the journey.
@1yugioh Watch YouTube videos on how to actually use the machines etc. when I started going I was so nervous that id look like an idiot not knowing what im doing on the machines. I just watched videos on what to do, apps like fitbod also show demonstrations. As for actually formulating a workout you can also search for that on youtube, here, or even chatgpt can make you a routine lol

EDIT; also start slow, if you try to just go 0-100 in the gym you will burn out. Do some cardio every day and maybe a couple basic lifts with low weight
@1yugioh I'm also not a PE guy, though I opted for theatre class over weed. I've found it helpful to google a couple of low intensity routines to start. I also look for apps like Hevy that let you add exercises and give you little gifs of how to actually do them so you have a reminder at your finger tips.

Using machines is a good way to start, vs. free weights, as they usually have pictures of what to do and can help guide you through the proper motion.

Overall go slow, start with light weights (10-15 lbs until you get the form down), and stay hydrated.
@1yugioh First pick a goal. What is your motivation for working out? Health/wellness? Physique? Athletic pursuits? Decide what’s motivating you to get in the gym then it’s easy to start building a plan around.

Second, don’t over think it. You’re going to hear a lot of fluff about optimizing this or that, just understand that diet and activity are all you need - and based on your goal above we can dig into some specifics. But it should be simple.

And lastly just remember the heaviest weight at the gym is the front door. Be proud you’re taking this step to get fit because most people don’t. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re just going to the gym to walk 20 minutes in a treadmill. That building a habit and it’s better than sitting at home.

Happy to help if you want any specific information but figure out the first step I listed, post back and we’ll get working.
@1yugioh If you want to build muscle then do every exersice with a repition of 8-12 and you should almost fail ur exersice in that number. Find a workout split on the internet or instagram or something if you cant make one urself