How do you exit a fat loss phase (nutrition and training)


New member
So the title. How do you guys exit a fat loss phase? Do you directly bump the calories up to maintenance or slight surplus or take a reverse dieting approach? What macros do you reintroduce and at what rate? Also how do you factor in the training volume at this point, since it might have been low in the fat loss phase.

P.S- This isn't in regard to a contest prep diet. I didn't end up that lean. I have been dieting for 3.5-4 months now, with three 4 day refeeds in between (so not straight 15 week deficit). Have lost 17kgs(37lbs) during the process (90kg-->73kg). Got leaner but not as much as I thought I would with this big a weight drop. Still hold some chub on the abdomen but I think I should end the deficit because it's going on for too long and have been at a strength plateau for last 3 months.
@vinod367 I bump back up to estimated new maintenance as I don’t really get the reverse diet approach to me it seems like just extending your cut. Ignore any weight gain for about a week then starts tracking again and adjust calories to suit . Macro wise my protein never drops so I just up carbs and fats
@vinod367 Alot of pros don't even do a transitional phase they straight go into a moderate surplus. However if you do want to make transitional phase, it is usually advised to do maintenance for 4-8 weeks, depending on the duration and degree of cut behind you. I definitely wouldn't do a transitional phase after mini cuts.

Personally I used to maintenance calories for a month or a bit longer than into a surplus.
@lilethmagdelene I think the pros might be doing that to get to healthier bodyfat ranges as soon as possible. I'm nowhere close to that low a bf%, it's just that the heavy cut has been going on for too long and I'd like to start a new building phase but just not lean enough to bulk yet🥲
@vinod367 Whats your height and how would you truthfully estimate your bf%?

Losing 17kg should be more than enough for a good base to start a bulk at 73kg, unless you are very short.

Pics would be help
@vinod367 Right in to maintenance if not slight surplus. Tried the reverse diet for a week didn’t notice a bump in the gym. On the advice of an enhanced bodybuilder buddy I went straight to maintenance and my numbers in the gym shit up dramatically. Felt the fog was lifted if that makes sense. Initially gained 5 pounds (water and glucose), after that have stayed the same weight for a month.
@finita How low in body fat did you cut down to or how long and hard was your deficit? I also feel like direct maintenance makes more sense although watching the sudden scale jump will be a bit tough I guess due a slight eating disorder that I've developed during this cut😅
@vinod367 Honestly it was scary to take the jump which is why I tried reverse diet first. I was diagnosed with diabetes along with other weight related issues at the beginning of last year (5’10” SW 240 mid 40’s). Went on a hard cut for a year. Lost 1-2 pounds a week dropped 90 pounds. I’m at 155 now, I gain 3 pounds and lose 3 pounds from day to day so I know I’m at maintenance now. Health has improved dramatically no need for medication as my blood sugar is under control. Gym body scan says I’m at 6% which is BS probably at 10-15%. Got abs and veins for the first time in my life at 40 lol.
My advice would be eat maintenance for a week don’t look at the scale, after a week start tracking. After that week reassess. You’ve proven to yourself you can shed the weight no need to worry about a pound or two to figure out your new maintenance.
Also go hard at the gym. With the extra energy your body will want to smash weights around. PRs are almost guaranteed.