Belly fat won't go and can't build muscle despite 3 years of working out!

@guilhermecardoso According to Sal Distefano - mind pump media: your body burns muscle and fat at the same rate and a cardio heavy with calorie deficits may cause a drop on the scale but it doesn’t necessary change your body composition.

Building muscle however 1. Boosts your metabolism and 2. Increasing muscle mass to body fat thus changing your body composition
@guilhermecardoso I think you need to measure your food. Also working out at home could be dubious if you aren't tracking any exercise also to make sure you're progressing. I couldn't tell you how many people say, "eating healthy and a lot of cardio". I have faith, just gotta be consistent
@coolhorse I have been consistent, I have been measuring food for almost all of the last 2 years using applications as MyFitnessPal. I eat junk food at most once a month. I don't exercise at home, I do bodyweight exercises 5 hrs a week and some occasional GYM ( not consistent with the weight lifting due to some reasons out of my control) .
@guilhermecardoso Maybe you're past a point where just bodyweight is enough. You'll have to change angles, variations, and incorporate some different strategies if you've hit a plateau with calisthenics. I eat junk food way more often than a month, it helps maintain sanity. If I portion right, there's no harm in 60g of chips in the day. I measure food in grams typically because you can't trust labels completely and I don't drink my calories
@guilhermecardoso I think it’s important to recognize the connection between stress, trauma, cortisol and belly fat. If you struggle with managing stress, or if you have a history of complex trauma, there’s more to look at this simply calories in/out
@darthmum Can stress completely sabotage growth this way?

Man I have been trying to do pullups for 2 years along my colleagues, they went from 0 to 15-25 (variance among them) and I still can't go past 2 and believe me I work as hard as they do if not more !
@guilhermecardoso 80% of losing weight is diet. You can’t out work a bad diet. You need to focus on that and not hide behind your workouts. My fitness pal or something similar will help you find what your maintenance calories is. And will help you set the count for your goal. And don’t eat anything past 7 or 8 at night. If you attack your food consumption and just walk for activity you might be shocked.
@guilhermecardoso Maybe time to do an RMR test... it's like 100-150 bucks and will give you exact values of calories spent at total rest. This is your basis to calculate everything else then. I spent years thinking my metabolism must be slow and shit like that... did an RMR test and was actually 5% higher than average! It adds up, few hundred calories can skew your results wildly. And then you try extreme things to compensate skewing it even more.

Trust me, once you know your basic number everything makes sense. Water weight and stress can make your scale weight go up and down few kilos in matter of day or two! You body is constantly trying to maintain what it thinks is ideal weight for you, working against it is always difficult.

And as others have mentioned, if you've gained fat... you were eating more than needed. It's simple law of thermodynamics, unfortunately you won't break them like many others who believed they were eating the right amount and getting fat. Myself included.