How fit should I be?


New member
This might be a stupid question lol. Is there any sort of guideline for how fit you should be at your age? Like “you’re fit if you can run x miles and do x push-ups” or anything like that? I don’t consistently work out or anything because I do colorguard/winterguard. I might exercise a little between seasons but I usually 1) don’t have time and 2) don’t really need to because I get enough exercise from guard. I’m not looking to change my exercise habits at all, I’m just purely curious if there’s like any legitimate categories that people fall into on the spectrum of fitness.
@ellymm I wouldn't really say there are any guidelines really. I think a person should be able to function in daily life with ease though (barring injury/other legitimate exceptions). So basic stuff like being able to get off the floor quickly (and I'd argue without needing to use your hands) and being able to walk at least a couple miles is a good minimal level of 'fit'.

It should be more a matter of health though. Be a healthy weight, have healthy eating habits and have some movement as part of your every day activity. And while you may be in the color guard now, do think about what your activity will be after you're done with guard. You don't have to go to the gym or do anything structured, but you just need to move. That alone would put you above a majority of the population (sadly)
@ellymm Very subjective. The dude who lifts everyday with the “fuck cardio” shirt and the guy who runs marathons and doesn’t know what the inside of a gym looks like probably have very different definitions of fitness.

Overall be healthy enough to live daily life without struggling do to fitness related things. Lift what you need to be able to lift and walk how far/many flights you need without getting winded. Personal opinion, people in general be capable of walking at least 30 minutes at a steady pace.
@ellymm I think a person should be able to do basics. walk for 2 or 3 hours over a day, stand for half an hour to an hour for a few times. at least 10 plank pushups slowly done. 20 or 30 or 40 pounds dumbell in each hand depending on size for deadlift bends, bent rows, curls and overhead presses, couple sets of 10. that right there would give you a SOLID base of capability. do that daily or every 2nd or 3rd day tops. enjoy being capable
@ellymm If we would compare to the average American, the standard of fitness is lower than it needs to be. You don't need to be fit at all. Your decision to take care of yourself is awesome. Set some standards for yourself.

"I should always be able to get up and run two miles without dying". Good reference for the next time you sit around an extra week and can feel its harder than normal. Good cue to start running again more often.

Mine are, Squat 315, Bench 225, and deadlift 405. These are manageable goals into my 40s and 50s. If I cant do these at these ages, I have let myself go. Into my 60's, they look different. Decide what you're willing to accept for your standard of fitness.

No one else cares nor will they ever make a standard. There would be fewer consumers and less money to be made if we all ate what we needed and went to the gym.