How I rationalize a cheat day :p


New member

Scientifically improbable? Absolutely, but ever since I started weightlifting I feel much less guilty about giving in to my cravings and occasionally splurging :) When I was just dieting + cardio I would feel like a failure for overeating even a little bit. Now I try to look at food mainly as nourishment for my body. It's so liberating!
@raggedyman I just had THE BEST cheat day yesterday at Chipotle!! I got their burrito bowl with chicken, brown rice, salsa, lettuce and cheese. Not so bad right? The 'cheating' came when I ordered a side of guac and a bag of tortilla chips. Scarfed that food down and I'd do it again and again and again!! Ahh man.... I love Chipotle.
@raggedyman I understand feeling stressed out about calorie counts. I never really felt that, because I've found that for me, tracking my Daily Rate of Weight Change and using that as my controlling metric sets up weight management under different rules.

"Is my Rate of Weight Change below zero? ( losing )"

So I look this morning, and it's not below zero. So I adjust a little today.

There is no 'failure'. There is just an objective assessment of the choices I make each day. That give me, I suspect, the same sort of 'liberation', you're discussing.

But you bring up a very important point. How much of the stress and anxiety which calorie counters experience is self inflicted, and don't people deserve better?
@raggedyman I don't really diet, but I have been trying to eat better the last month or so. But Monday I ate a bag of gummy worms. Yesterday I had a doughnut someone brought in to work. Today I had mozzarella sticks. Tomorrow I will have alcohol and more mozzarella sticks. Today is just my bulk week!
@berk60 Ha! I'm doing the same thing except for even longer. I have 3 weeks left in Germany and I'm gonna eat whatever I want, so long as I don't start feeling actually sick. Hallooooooooo Käsespätzle!
@raggedyman I allow myself a random not gonna exercise day once a month. That was today and I had zero guilt about that, the two glasses of wine I had at dinner, or the huge amount of dark chocolate I'm eating as we speak.
@raggedyman Ha! I think this too! I'm trying to recomp right now, but when I go over my calorie limit I just think "well, I hope it goes to my butt" and the next day/the night I go heavy on legs :)