How is PHUL for Hypertrophy and For Strength as Well


New member
Hello, So, I Have my exams coming up and everything so i am thinking to go to gym for 4 days and will add some running on other 2 days, that would make it 6 days of working out so i wanted to ask y'all, how is PHUL split or should i just do Full Body 4x a week? this feels really taxing though, but would give me enough volume, also i am cutting these days

i am pretty sure this split is good for Strength but not really sure about Hypertrophy


that's how the split looks like.
@fredruck More volume doesn't mean more muscle gain. If you are not recovering well then this more volume can backfired. Listen to your body you can follow PPL split till exams with progress overload,you'll get same results more or less.
@graciedog can't follow PPL, since i will be going gym 4 days, till now i followed arnold split and PPL before that, now i have to devote more time to studies, and with my routine i will probably have less energy so thinking to switch to PHUL
@fredruck You can do PPL 3 days and one day for abs/cardio maybe.
If you manage to recover and give yout best while doing full body for 4 days then you can do that as well.
Else another option is upper body lower body rest then again upper body lower body.

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