How long do you rest for in between sets?

@distantthoughts It’s more complicated than that. My main goal is size and mobility, but strength is a component and contributor to both.
  • I train to break down the muscle fibers and improve my range of motion. Hypertrophy and strength are side effects of that. That’s the way I’d put it. So what I’m saying is, rest periods largely don’t matter, but I think a minimum amount of time does matter depending on the exercise. I’m under no personal time constraints, and I have certain ways I prefer to train so longer rest periods are overall better for me. As far as conditioning I do actual cardio, so I’m not missing out on that with longer rest periods either. My rep ranges will vary from 1-30. Hope that makes it a bit clearer.
@distantthoughts I think you’re spot on with your rest times. I still use a stop watch but there are many times where I’m basing it off of how I’m feeling. If I’ve only been resting for 45 seconds but am itching to go again I’ll just move into the next set. Might not be optimal but it’s been great for time haha
@distantthoughts As long as I need to. I was doing a Full Body yesterday with Barbell Back Squats, Romanian Deadlifts, Leg Press. I found myself not being ready after 3 minutes in between working sets of RDLs because I was still exhausted and thirsty after 3 warm-up sets + 3 working sets of squats. Sweating profusely. My thighs are very sore today.

I'm going to re-work my split next week because BB Back Squats, RDLs and Leg Press eat up so much of my time and energy comparatively compared to upper body exercises. So I want to keep that really shitty day light after those 3 heavy compound movements.

I typically will take 2 minutes minimum for isolations and light compounds. Unless that was a very easy set and feel like I can go again quickly. And I try to superset these movements to save time. Though I typically don't superset seated hamstring curls. Because once I hop off the machine and go do something else, there's a very good chance someone is going to take the machine. lmfao. It's not a big deal to wait 2 minutes twice in that chair. For compounds I take 3 minutes usually.
Squats, leg press and rdl in the same full body workout? Is that normal?

I'm mostly following a 4-day upper/lower (which is more like a upper/full body in practice) written by an influencer on YouTube/Instagram with nearly 50k subs. The programmer has barbell back squats, barbell RDLs and Leg Press all in one day. But I feel like that trifecta of lower body movements is too taxing and time consuming. So I'm definitely going to modify the programming. I will keep those 3 movements together. But I'm going to try daisy chaining the one back compound out of that day to Thursday and see how that goes. As my Thursday is comparatively short compared to Friday.
@distantthoughts I find doing more compound movements on my lower body days has very positive effects. I break down my spinal erectors and my legs to the point of barely walking out of the gym and have 72 hours of full recovery then do it again strengthening all the important muscles in one day with adequate rest. I do push/pull (chest/back), arms and shoulders, legs/lower. I switch to classic PPL when I’m more focused on strength than hypertrophy