How Long to build a decent Physique

@newmommie305 Mate you put a lot of effort into this thanks for taking your time and energy to explain me this progress pics is a good idea and it helps too I am currently doing tri 2 times but now as you mentioned I'll do then 3 times hope it helps

And man once again thanks a lot this post is helping a lot yeha man
@jameshelp If you want an actual answer, you can achieve an extremely aesthetic physique with roughly 18 months of time spent in a calorie surplus to build a foundation of mass followed by roughly 6 months of cutting to be lean. Obviously some of this cutting time may be in the middle to maintain leanness but that is a pretty sure fire formula If you have perfect training, nutrition and recovery the entire time.
  1. True, probably the second most supported piece of supplement/nutrition research in all of sports science
  2. True, but oversells the magnitude and doesn't go on to say that the trend is in favour of higher frequencies above 2x, though the benefit doesn't reach statistical significance
  3. Not true for most levels of advancement. Speculated be true for advanced lifters, but NEAR failure is what's really supported.
  4. True, probably the most supported piece of supplement/nutrition research in all of sports science
  5. True, but so undetailed as to be useless. Protein powder, creatine, multivatamin.
  6. Maybe true. It's either missing a timeframe or a 0.
  1. The most important things are consistency and progressive overload.
3 months isn't very long and if I'm reading that right, you're been cutting for 2 of them? So obviously you're not going to see huge gains in that period.
@jameshelp So how long doing proper, progressive weight training?

The long and short of it is that it takes time. However you should very noticeable, good gains in the first year if you weren't spending a lot of time cutting.

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